Showing posts with label Immanuel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Immanuel. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Busy day 12-14-22

Yesterday I did 105 steps!  Those were almost all trips to the bathroom!  Don't know how many steps today, but I was out and about a lot.  Thoughtful friend Tina took KoKo for walks both morning and night.   However, the boys in the cul de sac needed rides to school, which isn't a lot of steps, just get in the car in the garage and drive them to school and drive back to park in the garage!  But then today was the Book Group Xmas lunch, where I parked in the spot closest to the restaurant door, gimped in, sat, ate, visited, and then gimped back to the car, picked up Julian and delivered him to his house, parked in my garage and sat for a nap!  Then to the PTherapist where I didn't have my phone to count my steps, but there weren't a lot.  Finally home to the garage again,  Don't I live an exciting life? 

It was nice to see the Book Group ladies, except Carol who stayed home to protect us from her cold.  Thank you, Carol.  We talked about our Christmas Day plans and caught up with all our lives.  I left before we discussed the book.  I didn't finish it, only read about halfway and struggled with every page.  It is on Kindle if I decide I need to finish it - NOT.  Instead I started "The World According to Garp" that I enjoyed so much in 1979 that my husband asked me to not read it in bed because I kept chuckling and keeping him awake!  So far I am not finding it funny at all, but I'm only about a 1/4th of the way in.  

We always exchange smallish gifts and this year was a good year.   I showed you the bags I gave containing a book gift card, a long skinny Lindt bar, and a FIRE EXTINQUISHER!  Seems like something everyone might not have and may never need, but good to have if one forgets a pan on the burner or sets a fire in the toaster oven.  These extinguishers are a one shot deal, so no need to remember to have them recharged periodically.  I have five that require that and have to mark my calendar to remember to do the recharge.  

So, now it is almost 10pm PST and I am very tired.  I think pain does that.  So, early to bed and tomorrow is maybe another 105 step day.

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Thursday, November 4, 2021

Those boys in the cul de sac 11-04-21

Since the pandemic started I haven't seem much of those two nice brothers who live across the street in the cul de sac.  They have been at home trying to learn on ZOOM and their father has been working from home all this time, so he is always there and can drive them wherever.  But yesterday he had to drive into his office in Los Angeles for the first time.  I had to ask if he remembered how to get there!  In the past he took the train from Fullerton and then a bus to his office place.  So, yesterday the boys needed a driver.  They go to different schools now - Immanuel is in middle school and Julian still goes to grade school.  I drove Immanuel to school after his dad had delivered Julian to his school.  Then in the afternoon I picked up Julian and we went out for ice cream.   Of course, he had Cookie Monster. However the blue color really turns me off so I had my favorite Razzmania - raspberries and chocolate chunks in a vanilla base.  We came back to my house, but I don't know how he could access my Internet, so we walked over to his house where he played computer games and I read stuff on my cell phone.  They have been renovating their house and have the loveliest pale cedar "siding" in the living/dining room and it is laid diagonally.  Looks so clean and "modern".  The work is not quite finished and the refrigerator is still in the middle of the room, but they are almost ready to get back to normal.  We have three houses in the neighborhood being remodeled and it is taking forever for all of them.  Delays in appliances, shortage of lumber and wall board, slow delivery of materials all around.  I don't know how they all manage with the disorganization.  I live in great disorder with piles of everything, but I don't have to put up with the dust and tools and noise and just always having others in my house.  However does Mr. John get any work done?   Mrs. John is a nurse and has worked through it all.  Anyway, I loved seeing the boys, they are so polite and well behaved.  And so TALL now.  Kids grow up very fast.  

Julian ate almost all of it and then went to the restroom and washed up!

Julian and Immanuel - 1st day of school Sep 2021

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