Showing posts with label Karen Kowalchuk. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Karen Kowalchuk. Show all posts

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Beach Cities Quilt Guild Quilt Show 06-07-08

My friend Liz Williams and I went to the BCQG QShow today. If anything it was even better than the fabulous shows they have had every other year for the past eight years. Excellent workwomanship, beautifully hung (except for pinning the tags right on the quilt instead of on the drape), good vendors, and this year in a new location with A/C. Makes a big difference when it is 80+ degrees. Also everyone makes the guests feel that they are happy to have them come. There is a nice quilt auction of high quality donated quilts with the money going to having fantastic programs at the guild meetings.
Since I have had a digital camera I find it much easier to photograph the paper label that gives info about the quilt then to write everything down on paper. More accurate, too. I have received permission to post pictures of these quilts on my blog. Please respect the artist's copyright.
Click on photos to enlarge.

"Happy Birthday to Me"

I felt fortunate to be invited to this special birthday party for Karen Kowalchuck. She did receive an amazing selection of bright fabrics and I think she did an amazing job of combining them into this very nice quilt.


Karen says she doesn't work in brights! But this is another of her quilts at the show. It is wonderful up close and far away - her color selection is 'right on'.

It is an early-to-bed night for me (and Corky, the Poodle Prince) because I am such bad shape that one day at a quilt show leaves me happy, but completely exhausted!

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