Showing posts with label Kathy Keefer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kathy Keefer. Show all posts

Monday, September 16, 2013

Quilts from Flying Geese QShow 09-16-13

Here are the quilts I photographed at the Flying Geese QShow yesterday morning.  Why these eight quilts?  I'm not sure, except that I have recently been wondering if I can do hand applique now.  The arthritis in my hands makes hand sewing difficult, but I do miss it; it once was my needlework of choice.  I never made a full size applique quilt, but confined myself to small quilts, wall quilts and crafty things.  Since my early experience was pieced bed quilts that seems to be the appropriate technique for large quilts. 
 I couldn't help but notice how much the members of this guild are into wool applique.  I liked this example especially - so colorful and beautifully made. The patterns by Erica Kaprow are very well designed.  Check them out at:

Another fabulous applique, but not wool. Perfect color selection, including the lush red background. .

 This quilt was a prize winner and I could see why - lovely workwomanship. Pearl Periera's designs are delicate and well drawn, she is a popular teacher in the SCalifornia area.


Isn't this one fun?  The color is a little too yellow in this image, but it is the whimsical and clever applique images that attracted me.  Good in any color!

A  very nice original design - it makes me think of poppy pods, although I see the total as a huge snowflake. 

There are hand stitches and lace embellishments and very impressive machine quilting.

I wish I had taken some closeups of the blocks in this folk art quilt.  Such creative details. 

I'm not surprised that Micky could come up with this - she is very talented.  The chicken wire all over quilting is the perfect quilting design to set off those great chickens.

The guild had  Laura Nownes for a program and workshop and there were seven completed quilts hung together.  Fascinating how different they are, considering everyone used the same patterns






This one, also shown above, has great quilting.
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