Showing posts with label KoKo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label KoKo. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Waiting for Dave 02-25-25

This is a ritual at our house.   When Dave parks his truck KoKo comes to tell me, but Dave goes across the street to start his deliveries around the two cul-d-sacs and down to Palm (the through street),  then up the east side of the street to our house, the last on the route.  It takes 15 to 20 minutes before he arrives at our door. KoKo usually sits on his box at the window, but sometimes I open the door about the time Dave comes up the walk, so KoKo can be right there.  In this picture you can see Dave's shadow as he comes around the garage.  

Sometimes Dave surprises us and dresses up for a holiday.  
Here he is for Christmas one year.  KoKo wasn't too sure it was really Dave. 

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Monday, June 10, 2024

Sidewalks 06-10-24

 Summer has arrived and some schools are adjourned, which gives children time to play outdoors.   There are several young girls who love writing on the sidewalk with chalk.  And Barb, who I think is eleven, has outdone herself.  I cannot get high enough (maybe I need a drone) to show her guided pathways.   There is a  vine  with large leaves to follow, stepping on each leaf.  And a trail of the planets each marked with the correct names.  Quite a layout, nicely done.   KoKo is not impressed, but I am .

This is where  we are to start.  The blue is KoKo's leash held in my left hand.  He wants to GO.

These handprints must be a stencil as they are all the same. Why she didn't give herself a head I can't imagine.  The odd black dot is the tip of my cane, it helps me keep my balance and could serve  as a  coyote beater should  one comet  too close. 

Big square guy, smiles, rainbow, multi-colored dots, bored doggo.

Always sign your artwork. 

Dear to my heart. 

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Tuesday, May 21, 2024

KoKo 05-21-24

 We are too tired tonight to do any computer work.  

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Saturday, May 18, 2024

Flowers of Spring 05-18-24

Oh, dear me.  Does anyone have as many computer problems as I?  On Thursday evening I typed a long post on my medical problems and  as I went to post it, it  disappeared.  It was not in drafts or sent or anywhere.  So, you  were  left  dangling, sorry about that. I am just dealing with old age problems, nothing new!  I'll  have another spinal shot on June 6th and hope it lasts as well as the  one I had last June. When I have time I will try to reconstruct that doctoring post.  It is late tonight, so I will just share our neighbor's spring flowers.


Oriental Poppy

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Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Another tree gone 05-07-24

Yesterday morning when we walked there were tree trimmer at work. This house was the #1 model home when this tract was developed and stands at the "point" where Warren St. and Brain St. divide. So, the trees were planted in about 1970 pretty old and they haven't received very attentive  care.  The two California Sycamores also shed large leaves and, for some reason, homeowners in S.California do not like trees that shed leaves, or anything else.  Anyway, the guys were only taking down one of the two sycamores.   So sad. Maybe it was diseased, it looked pretty scruffy.   I miss all the trees that have been removed in  the 36  years  we have lived  here.   I  had to  take  out the melaleuca tree that we planted  when  we  first moved in because it decided to grow way over our neighbors driveway and inhibit his access.   There are no trees in our yard,  just the ficus in the neighbors yard which grows right against the fence, half shading both backyards.

Right in  middle is the guy with the chainsaw on top of the stump. 

Here he is cutting off another chunk which he let fall after looking and shouting for all clear below.  

That huge piece down, he adjusts to take another cut.  Notice his chainsaw dangling below his butt. 

Around the corner out of our tract there is a huge planting of Algerian ivy the length of the property.  This they could take out, if they asked me.   I am very allergic to it and get a horrible rash.  In the late 50s and 60s one could hardly walk  a  block  without seeing a sea of this ivy.  It is a foot to a foot and a half deep and shelters rodents and snails.  Take it out!   

 I was trying to take a picture of KoKo next to the ivy to show the depth, but he just wouldn't stand still and wanted to WALK,  Finally I got him to sit, but in my shadow. 

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Saturday, May 4, 2024

Morning walk 05-04-24

When we walk twice a day we meet our neighbors.  I wave to everyone passing  in cars and sometimes they wave back.  We say hello to everyone on foot and mostly they greet us in  return.  If they stop  KoKo will go to the guy first no matter how sweet talking the woman is. He just likes people and especially children;  when he hears them out playing he wants to go see them. 
Here he greets Tina, our dog-less friend that walks in morning. She listens to books on her cell phone and will be so engrossed she won't stop until KoKo stops her.

When someone stops petting him, he lays down on their feet, maybe so they can't get away. This morning I sat at the low end of a wall and then had to scoot my bottom  up the slope until I could get the leverage to stand up again.  If I had not been doing the twice a week fitness workouts I might still be sitting there!

There were early sprinkles this morning that decorated the spider webs on the pittosporum.  

When the sun comes out the drops turn into diamonds.

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Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Miscellaneous 05-01-24

 Just a few views of our everyday life.

When we walk in the morning we stop to put several papers on the doorsteps of our neighbors.  KoKo will "Sit & Stay" on the sidewalk while I go up to the door.  He is just that little dark spot beyond the landscape roses.

We were stopped at a signal when this great egret flew close in front of the windshield to perch on the wall.    

I don't know if he is the one that some neighbors call "Willie".  However, he  may be one of several that visit our yards this time of year, searching for lizards and other nibbles.

Here is a picture taken last year in a neighbor's yard.

y  i
Sometime since January I bought this white, waxed Amaryllis and it bloomed justas I was leaving for Empty Spools.  I knew it wouldn't enjoy a car trip  so  I "loaned" it to a neighbor who I knew  would enjoy it.  She will return the bulb and I will plant it in my big amaryllis pot - white among the Xmas red.

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Friday, March 22, 2024

The park has reopened 03-22-24

Construction is complete on Parque de Arroyo Verde, the park we look into from our backyard.   It is now a "play"  park with many different physical activities, including six or seven climbing structures, a cement ping-pong table, a zip line, many metal benches, and cement tables w/benches attached.  The grand opening was yesterday afternoon (after  being rained out twice before) and it was a gorgeous sunshiny day.  KoKo and I walked about 5:30pm and walked all the way to the back, which is what we see from our house.  

The view from our backyard. 

And the view from the park.  Our house is the blue/grey one on the right.

Looking  back at the entrance on Palm Drive.  The white vertical poles at bottom right are the zipline supports.  On the left is another climbing  structure.
We will walk there again in the future, although KoKo is not impressed because there are no low bushes that he needs to water.

In a nostalgic vein....  Today was anniversary 50 for Floyd and I. And it has been 34 years since his death.  Time just slips away, doesn't it. 

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Wednesday, March 6, 2024

More Rain. 03-06-24

Pretty boring when all I can think to talk about is the weather.   However, I look back at blogs from previous March postings and guess this is just not an interesting time  of year.   In my life it  has been a time of loss as so many people I love have died in the first few months of the year. The dreary weather doesn't bring joy and happiness. 

This long, ominous cloud held off until we were just a few houses from home.
But no walk tonight due to continuous downpour.  KoKo had a quick whiz in the backyard and a thorough toweling when he came in.  

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Friday, February 23, 2024

Froggy Health 02-23-24

Poor  Froggy!   He has been sorely neglected.  His back was so battered I had to remove it.  You can see why he needed a new back several years ago.  I have selected a fabric for the replacement back and hope to have it replaced soon.  

His legs seem to be hanging on by a thread, but they are secure when KoKo plays tug-of-war with me.

You see the problem.  KoKo just doesn't want to let him go. 

I have to hold on ti
ght and not stick the needle in too quickly, lest I sew KoKo and Froggy together. 

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Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Home again 02-14-24

Hope you had a loving/lovely Valentine's Day.   ðŸ’“  My thoughtful neighbor came with a card and bag of chocolate hearts.   But I spent the day napping and slowly putting things away.  Did  one load of laundry, but must do another load with just the clothes with dye on them. Didn't want tinted undies!   And I must start  washing out the fabric that I printed in class; it is an intensive project of many cold water rinses, several warm/hot water rinses, and, finally, hot water in the  washing machine with Synthrapol.  I have a front loader, so I'm not sure how well it will work, but that is what i  have.  Can't do everything at once, therefore it will probably be an  all day effort.

I left SDiego about 7:45am yesterday to arrive  at Nancy Ota's at  9am.  I thought  I would take KoKo to the quilt guild meeting, but Nancy suggested  we leave him at her house and I ride with her to the meeting.  It worked out fine and after the meeting we drove back to her house, loaded up KoKo's luggage, and I drove home in light afternoon traffic.  After unloading the essentials,  I  just  passed out for a  couple hours until it was time  to take KoKo for his  walk.  We strode along  quickly with my  new pacemaker showing  it's stuff.  Feels GREAT to not be dragging my body along and sitting down sometimes at all five "seats" that I have been  using.  However, I will start soon with a personal trainer to try  to build up strength.

The pictures I couldn't edit and transfer are intact. I will try to edit them and get them posted, but also have the "official" photos from the  guild meeting to edit and forward to the newsletter editor and I need to do those first.  I will talk more about Pat Pauly's workshop in the future. 

Here is KoKo helping Nancy Ota hand quilt.

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Monday, February 12, 2024

Last day in San Diego 02-12-24

I don't know why  I  cannot upload pictures that I  have taken in San Diego.  It was okay the first day, but now it tells me I need to be online!  But the settings show that I am and I can send and receive  email.   Too busy in class to take time off to find  some place local to get help.   The Help guy in some  foreign country couldn't help. So pictures will have to wait until later this week when I am home. 

I leave here tomorrow morning about 7:30am to pick up KoKo and take him with me to the Surfside Quilters  Guild meeting in Dana Point.    Then  home  about 2pm.

This picture shows what the sky looked  like here today, but was taken about 10 days ago in Placentia.  

KoKo helping Nancy quilt.

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Saturday, January 20, 2024

Pacemaker day 3 01-20-24

Well, I don't have much to write about, but time a plenty!  Usually I take pictures when we walk, but I can hardly manage the cane and the leash and the sling on my left arm.  So, the pictures you will see this week are all from the past.   I did start to have some pain and the itchy bandage continues to be an irritant.  To be honest, I think one problem is my saggy boob!   I'm trying to think of a one boob bra sort of "fix".  But maybe I can just wear a whole  bra,  I'll try it in the morning, I have a couple old stretched out bras in a drawer somewhere!!   I dug out an alpaca serape from the  70s because I can't lift my arm enough  to wear my regular jacket.  It is very warm and was good protection from the sprinkles we had on both morning and evening walks.  The sprinkles are to continue for the next three days, hope we can hit some lighter times.  I am enjoying being out walking, it has become such a regular part of our lives that skipping a day seems off-kilter.   We do miss because of wet weather and KoKo goes out back to find a potty place with me standing guard against the coyotes.  Just like on a walk, I have my cane, a can horn, and a whistle.  Don't think I could pick KoKo up with the sling,  but I'd do it if I had to. 

I'm just reading, dozing, working on my laptop a bit, and throwing Froggy for KoKo to  chase.  He is quite good at bringing Froggy back for more  throwing and when he comes back without him  it is  the end of the game.  I do so appreciate the texts, phone calls,  and  e-mails.  This is only two days of recovery and I am beginning to feel the isolation  - like Covid in Spring  2020.  I may try some sewing, but might not be able to machine quilt because of the left arm restriction.  Heck, maybe I should dig out one of the hand applique or piecing projects that are stacked on shelves of the same.  

Fifteen to Twenty years ago when fabric postcards were very popular I belonged to an online  group and also taught some classes.  Also, I branched out and made some slightly larger pieces for sale.  They were all ten inches or less. 

About 10"   Sold

About 10"   Sold

"Nipsy" a  postcard 6"X4"   Sold

Postcard  6" X4"  Gifted

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Dear Amy in  Austin,  I don't know how to answer you directly so I hope you see this "PS".  The pile of fabrics I showed the other day was what one student brought to Ruth McDowell's class at Empty Spools at Asilomar some years ago. It always makes me smile.  The blues  went  into  a blue and while quilt that remains unquilted!  The English would call that a "flimsy".  Del

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Weather 01-16-24

The  camellias are starting to bloom.

I have one Calla Lily blossom. 

But, of course, we always have roses blooming.

Well, this isn't really about weather, I will just mention it.  Hearing frightening reports from friends in different parts of the county -  cold, snow, ice, wind, falling trees and branches.  I almost feel guilty living in  SCalifornia.   It has been cold with morning temps down to 40F  and we are not  accustomed to much  cold.  I try to waiting until it makes 50F before taking KoKo for his morning walk.  The cold doesn't seem to bother him, but 50F is almost too cold for me.   Gloves  for  my  arthritic  hands and a  vest  under my jacket.   I can't even imagine anything below 40F.

I am still trying to talk to someone in the orthopedic department to see if there are any post-op restrictions on dog walking  or driving.   Guess they are too busy to call me back.  Gotta get  some answers TOMORROW!  

I went  to the Surfside QGuild Board Meeting in Dana Point  this morning and took KoKo in his stroller.  Everyone is always surprised at how good he is and how obedient. He either sleeps in my lap or in his stroller.  Somehow I just needed his company on the 1 1/2  hour drive in  the morning traffic, which seemed extra bad today.   

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Saturday, December 30, 2023

It is a KoKo day 12-30-23


KoKo's "This is serious" face.

Sacked out in his computer room bed.

Froggy is trapped in the recliner again.  The white lump by KoKo's eye is Froggy's foot.

Sometimes he will get out another toy, this one is Snake.

I am trying to repair Froggy, he needs major surgery, including a new back. 
But KoKo won't let go of Froggy! Guess he will spend tomorrow in the bathroom while I work. 

Asleep with a protective arm around his best friend. KoKo's head is on lower right with his left arm over Froggy. 

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