In the constant and very slow process of clearing out and rearranging things in my house I emptied a bureau drawer containing many small quilts. Some are part of the Thomas Contemporary Quilt Collection and some are pieces I made in past years. I think I will share some of them on my blog. Maybe I could do it on Fridays and call it "Fearless Friday"!
"Stacked Bowls" Del Thomas 2002 10"W x 12"L
This is a very small quilt made for "Changing Perceptions: Small Works by Kansas Art Quilters", an exhibit that showed in Kansas during 2002 and at Quilt Festival - Chicago in 2003.
The artist's statement read: "A bowl is such an ordinary thing, but present in the lives of the majority of people around the world. This quilt is part of a series using bowls in the imagery."
When I started it I thought it would be part of the Color Bowls series, but then decided that it didn't quite fit. Thus a new series.
The backing fabric is a drapery sample that I had in several color ways and it was just about the exact size needed. The rings for hanging were one of the exhibit requirements.

I always put a bird somewhere on each quilt I make. Could be quilted, inked, embroidered, machine stitched, part of the design, in the fabric print or any other method I can think of. After a period of years I sometimes cannot find these little "logos", but I know they are there. I talked about them previously at: http://delquilts/