Showing posts with label KAQ. Show all posts
Showing posts with label KAQ. Show all posts

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Weather Quilts by Del 01-04-15

For a change I thought I would show some of my own quilts on an occasional Sunday.  These three were made for a challenge by the now defunct Kansas Art Quilters.  They were shown in a group show in several venues in Kansas and Missouri.  

"Rain"  Del Thomas 2003   11"W x 27"L
 Night rain in Portland, OR. c.1956 

"Lightning"  Del Thomas  2003 10"W x 17"L
Lightning  on the prairie. c.1980

"Wind"  Del Thomas  2003 12.5"W x 17"L
Wind in Lake Havasu City,  c. 2000

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Friday, July 17, 2009

"Stacked Bowls" from 2002 07-17-09

In the constant and very slow process of clearing out and rearranging things in my house I emptied a bureau drawer containing many small quilts. Some are part of the Thomas Contemporary Quilt Collection and some are pieces I made in past years. I think I will share some of them on my blog. Maybe I could do it on Fridays and call it "Fearless Friday"!

"Stacked Bowls" Del Thomas 2002 10"W x 12"L
This is a very small quilt made for "Changing Perceptions: Small Works by Kansas Art Quilters", an exhibit that showed in Kansas during 2002 and at Quilt Festival - Chicago in 2003.
The artist's statement read: "A bowl is such an ordinary thing, but present in the lives of the majority of people around the world. This quilt is part of a series using bowls in the imagery."
When I started it I thought it would be part of the Color Bowls series, but then decided that it didn't quite fit. Thus a new series.

The backing fabric is a drapery sample that I had in several color ways and it was just about the exact size needed. The rings for hanging were one of the exhibit requirements.

I always put a bird somewhere on each quilt I make. Could be quilted, inked, embroidered, machine stitched, part of the design, in the fabric print or any other method I can think of. After a period of years I sometimes cannot find these little "logos", but I know they are there. I talked about them previously at: http://delquilts/

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Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Quilt returns 01-13-09

"Live Oaks II" Del Thomas 2006 24.50"W x 18.75"L
This quilt has been part of "Altered Views" a traveling exhibit of the Kansas Art Quilters. It has been gone for several years and returned home a few days ago. My usual experience when I send a quilt that I am not entirely happy with for exhibit and it returns after an extended period, I open the box and think, "Wow, that isn't bad." I find that I like it after all. Not so with this one. I can't think of what is wrong with it, perhaps it is the hand stitched 'shading' on the tree. I may come up with a solution, or I may not. Meanwhile I have hung it where I see it several times a day - maybe I will be inspired.
While many of you are suffering from subzero weather, SCalifornia is having a heat wave. It was 71F at 7am this morning. This is caused by the Santa Ana winds which have been howling for four or five days. Some gusts up to 70mph, which may be why I thought a few times the whole house was shaking. Fortunately, no fires although fire warnings have been posted in Ventura County and Los Angeles County. Keep good thoughts for us - we can't afford to fight wildfires, so early in the year and without a state budget in sight.