This post is from September 24, 2008, and I am reposting it today because it is Freddy's birthday. As far as I know she does not have a website or do e-mail or Facebook, so the only way to wish her Happy Birthday is to send a card or call her.
This quilt is very bright as are most of Freddy's work. Sorry I don't have a better image.
"Orange Peel Surprise" Freddy Moran 1997
62" square Cotton fabrics.
I saw Freddy sewing the binding on this quilt in the hotel lobby at PIQF in Santa Clara. It was instant love! I didn't even ask the price when I told her I would buy it. Several months later I received the quilt and the bill. I was surprised at the price, but, as you see, I paid up and added the quilt to the TCQC. The moral is, I suppose, that one should ask first and then decide. But don't wait too long, a really great quilt will be gone in a flash - I have missed several by waiting too long to decide.
This quilt was sewn with Karen Stone papers in Freddy's unique choice of fabrics and colors. The 'surprise' is on the back - a wonderful bright fabric with cupcakes and hats and noisemakers. I always tell viewers that there is a birthday party on the back.
Freddy does not have a website.
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