Showing posts with label Freddy Moran. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Freddy Moran. Show all posts

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Quilts in the Thomas Contemporary Quilt Collection - Freddy Moran 07-12-20

This post is from  September 24, 2008, and I am reposting it today because it is Freddy's birthday.  As far as I know she does not have a website or do e-mail or Facebook, so the only way to wish her Happy Birthday is to send a card or call her.  
This quilt is very bright as are most of Freddy's work.  Sorry I don't have a better image. 

"Orange Peel Surprise" Freddy Moran 1997 
62" square  Cotton fabrics. 
I saw Freddy sewing the binding on this quilt in the hotel lobby at PIQF in Santa Clara. It was instant love! I didn't even ask the price when I told her I would buy it. Several months later I received the quilt and the bill. I was surprised at the price, but, as you see, I paid up and added the quilt to the TCQC. The moral is, I suppose, that one should ask first and then decide. But don't wait too long, a really great quilt will be gone in a flash - I have missed several by waiting too long to decide.
This quilt was sewn with Karen Stone papers in Freddy's unique choice of fabrics and colors. The 'surprise' is on the back - a wonderful bright fabric with cupcakes and hats and noisemakers. I always tell viewers that there is a birthday party on the back.
Freddy does not have a website.
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Sunday, July 15, 2018

Empty Spools Seminars at Asilomar 07-15-18

This is a re-posting from March 2010 .   It is so fun to look at this quilt and remember all my Asilomar classes and teachers and fellow students.   I've gone to classes for 27  years, sometimes just one session, but frequently two sessions.  Tried three sessions once, but it almost did me in! 

25th Anniv. of Empty Spools Seminars 03-22-10

Empty Spools Seminars is celebrating 25 years of great teachers, students and friendships. As part of the celebration the three women who run the seminars, Diana McClun, Suzanne Cox and Gayle Wells asked all those who have taught over the years to send spool blocks to create some anniversary quilts. Six quilts were created with the help of some of the teachers and many friends. At each of this year's five sessions all the attendees names are put in a box for a drawing for one of the quilts. The winner pulls a slip a paper with the name of the quilt she has won. At the end of the fifth session in June the names of all of the 2010 attendees will go in a box and a name pulled to win the sixth quilt.
On the last night of the first week I attended (Session III) I was the winner and the quilt I won is "Freddy's Polka Dots". So named because when the blocks were divided up Freddy Moran took this set home and assembled this quilt. I think it is spectacular and I feel very, very lucky. These pictures were taken at the end of Session IV when the quilts were taken down from where they hung over the edge of the balcony and placed on the empty chairs in Merrill Hall so all could see them close up. Not the best situation for photography. I had someone hold up the quilt for an all over shot and I took individual blocks while it was draped on the chairs. I cannot identify the makers of all the blocks. The one on the bottom row with the rainbow flying geese is NOT Caryl Bryer Fallert - she has not taught at Asilomar that I know of. But I cannot tell you whose contribution it is. (Addendum: I am wrong! Caryl taught a computer aided design class several yearss ago - but is still is not her block!! She will also be teaching in 2011. For a list of the teachers for 2011 go to
Here are the blocks I can attribute correctly.
Top left: Elizabeth Spanning Bottom right: Becky Goldsmith

Top: Gai Perry Bottom: Dale FlemingTop left: Freddy Moran Top right: Kathie Pasquini Masopust 
Bottom left: Peggy Martin Bottom right: Sylvia Einstein

This elaborate block was made by Louisa Smith.

Here is a better image of Sylvia Einstein's block with one by Dale Fleming on the right.

Freddy Moran's colorful block.

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Friday, September 15, 2017

Home from Morro Bay 09-14-17

What a great group of ladies at the Gold Coast Quilters Guild in Morro Bay.  If you are ever there on the second Wednesday of the month, visit them at St. Timothy's Catholic Church at 1pm.  They are friendly and welcoming.  There were about 70 in attendance and they seemed to love seeing the quilts and hearing my stories about them.  I did hang "A Rash of Flamingoes" and Ruth's "Carpet of Gold Thread".  The guild supplied four hanging stands, so, with the one I brought, we had five quilts hanging.  One of them was Freddy Moran's eye-popping "Orange Peel Surprise" from 1997.  The fabric on the back is filled with birthday things - hats, streamers, cakes, etc., it is a long time favorite.   

The trip up to Morro Bay on Tuesday was four and a half hours and the trip back yesterday took six hours, but we stopped for gas and also to have a bite to eat at the Starbuck's in Montecito.  The last couple driving hours were after the sun went down, but there wasn't any construction on the I-5 and the traffic was moderate.  We only ate out once because Liz had made sandwiches for us to eat on the road going up.  Before the meeting we had a delicious breakfast at Kitty's in Morro Bay.  Eggs, link sausage, fried fresh potato slices, toast, coffee, and one of their yummy homemade apple muffins.  The location isn't on the water, but we didn't miss having a view while we scarfed down our perfect breakfast.  We  also drove out to the "Rock" and watched the surfers, the birds, and the sea otter "nursery" where there were at least a dozen nursing moms with their babies.  Fortunately we had binoculars and could get a better view of them about 40 feet away. 
Altogether a great, but fast trip.  I slept ten hours last night with only one potty break.  This morning I drove down to San Clemente to pick up KoKo at Nancy Ota's house.  After we came home we both had a little nap.  Traveling is hard on all of us!   
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Thursday, April 10, 2014

Monday Browsing .... on Thursday! 04-10-14

I hope that my laptop will let me post tonight. This is actually two weeks of browsing since I have not been able to post it for at least that long. Sorry I can't make the URLs show as links. I should have a new computer within the next few weeks.

Monday Browsing 04-07-14

Pictures from the Int’l Quilt Show in Dubai:

J. Crew creates color:

Saving a whale in the Sea of Cortez:

Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe is featured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer.

This one is interesting:

And a different view of Mt Hood in Oregon:

Del and Freddy (scroll down):

These didn’t change my life, but some are interesting – baked eggs seem worth a try:

Thursday, May 10, 2012

TCQC Program 05-10-12

In January the Crazy Quilters Quilt Guild scheduled me for a program and yesterday was the day.  This group meets at Leisure World in Laguna Woods, CA, and is celebrating their ten year anniversary.  
I've been concerned that I wouldn't be over whatever "bug" I have and my voice would disappear again.  I was okay yesterday, except for being exhausted when I got home, but this morning my voice was gone again.  I have an appointment with my GP on Monday, I hope she has an answer for me - this has been going on since April 7th!  I did a round of antibiotics, maybe they just were not enough.  

I took 30 quilts for my program - including a board full of 12x12s and a few postcards.  These three quilts were those that I hung on racks on the stage.  I wish I could hang many more quilts so that people could look at them closely, but it isn't practical.     

"Orange Peel Surprise"  Freddy Moran - Orinda, CA. 1997  62"W x 61"L
Paper pieced, machine quilted.
"The Street Corner"  Ruth B. McDowell -Colrain, MA. 2004 55"W x 41"L
Machine pieced and quilted.
"Walks in the Woods"  Frieda Anderson -Chicago, IL  2002  65"W x 56"L
Machine pieced and quilted.
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Monday, March 22, 2010

25th Anniv. of Empty Spools Seminars 03-22-10

Empty Spools Seminars is celebrating 25 years of great teachers, students and friendships. As part of the celebration the three women who run the seminars, Diana McClun, Suzanne Cox and Gayle Wells asked all those who have taught over the years to send spool blocks to create some anniversary quilts. Six quilts were created with the help of some of the teachers and many friends. At each of this year's five sessions all the attendees names are put in a box for a drawing for one of the quilts. The winner pulls a slip a paper with the name of the quilt she has won. At the end of the fifth session in June the names of all of the 2010 attendees will go in a box and a name pulled to win the sixth quilt.
On the last night of the first week I attended (Session III) I was the winner and the quilt I won is "Freddy's Polka Dots". So named because when the blocks were divided up Freddy Moran took this set home and assembled this quilt. I think it is spectacular and I feel very, very lucky. These pictures were taken at the end of Session IV when the quilts were taken down from where they hung over the edge of the balcony and placed on the empty chairs in Merrill Hall so all could see them close up. Not the best situation for photography. I had someone hold up the quilt for an all over shot and I took individual blocks while it was draped on the chairs. I cannot identify the makers of all the blocks. The one on the bottom row with the rainbow flying geese is NOT Caryl Bryer Fallert - she has not taught at Asilomar that I know of. But I cannot tell you whose contribution it is. (Addendum: I am wrong! Caryl taught a computer aided design class several yearss ago - but is still is not her block!! She will also be teaching in 2011. For a list of the teachers for 2011 go to
Here are the blocks I can attribute correctly.

Top left: Elizabeth Spanning Bottom right: Becky Goldsmith

Top: Gai Perry Bottom: Dale Fleming

Top left: Freddy Moran Top right: Kathie Pasquini Masopust
Bottom left: Peggy Martin Bottom right: Sylvia Einstein

This elaborate block was made by Louisa Smith.

Here is a better image of Sylvia Einstein's block with one by Dale Fleming on the right.

Freddy Moran's colorful block.

After the final drawing the winners will receive their quilts.

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Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Quilts from TCQC 09-23-08

The photos I am showing you are from my files and are not professional images. If I had started at the beginning having professional pictures taken and continued that way it would have been spread out over time. But to have it done now would break my bank. Several years ago I started asking for a slide when I buy a quilt. Most artists have professional slides made and retain a number of copies, so it is not a great expense for them to include a slide with the quilt.
"Orange Peel Surprise" Freddy Moran 1997 62" square
I saw Freddy sewing the binding on this quilt in the hotel lobby at PIQF in Santa Clara. It was instant love! I didn't even ask the price when I told her I would buy it. Several months later I received the quilt and the bill. I was surprised at the price, but, as you see, I paid up and added the quilt to the TCQC. The moral is, I suppose, that one should ask first and then decide. But don't wait too long, a really great quilt will be gone in a flash - I have missed several by waiting too long to decide.
This quilt was sewn with Karen Stone papers in Freddy's unique choice of fabrics and colors. The 'surprise' is on the back - a wonderful bright fabric with cupcakes and hats and noisemakers. I always tell viewers that there is a birthday party on the back.
Freddy does not have a website.
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