Showing posts with label Fall color. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fall color. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Wordless Wednesday 10-01-14

Blogger keeps turning this one on its side - sorry.  

Thursday, December 3, 2009

More autumn color 12-03-09

Just a few more autumn pictures. I may not post again until I arrive home on Sunday or Monday. But I do want you to know that I met Gerri Congdon and Terry Grant at a Starbucks in what I think is Milwaukee (every town/district runs together just like in SCalifornia) this morning and we had a great visit. They both took photos which they have promised to send to me. I then went over to Aunt Dorothy's and sat by her bed. When she slept I read, when she was awake we talked - until finally she was more asleep than awake. I'll drop in to see her one more time in the morning before I hit the road. Right now I will hit the bed - and be asleep in five minutes.

This is a rice field north of Sacramento. I don't know why some were completely drained and some were still flooded. I think it makes a nice picture. Click to enlarge. [NOTE: I am told that the fields that are still flooded are for the benefit of the migrating water fowl. I'll have to check on that.)

In the rest stop north of Willows CalTrans has planted weeping willows which are just starting to turn yellow. The liquid amber trees are in full autumn dress.

I have read about the Sundial Bridge in Redding, but never seen it before. Here is a website that explains. It is interesting, but I was quite busy enjoying the fall colors.

I believe this is the tallest liquid amber I have ever seen. It must be 40 feet tall. Lovely leaves and lovely filigree pattern they make against the sky.

Unknown landscape shrub near the Turtle Bay visitor center. It is very unusual with the flowers that almost look dried, but they are flexible. Great mix of red and green leaves. Anyone know its name?

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Friday, November 20, 2009

Words for Wordless Wednesday 11-19-09

Yesterday's leaves are on a liquidamber or Sweet Gum tree like this one. We have not had enough cold nights to make such bright red leaves. These pictures are from 2004.

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Thursday, November 19, 2009

Friday, September 4, 2009

Home from SJBautiste 09-04-09

Driving the Lexus is growing on me - the ride is smoother, I hear less road noise, it tracks much better than the van, and it will do 100mph (should I need to for any reason). I miss the sliding side doors and the large 'trunk capacity' in the Caravan. I miss having some place to put change and other small items in the driver area. But one thing I really enjoy is this 'trip display' among the choices on the dashboard. I'm becoming more adept at driving this car which is reflected in the mpg, 24mpg is what I got in the Caravan on long trips. It is great knowing exactly how many miles I can go on the gas left in the tank. Sorry it is such a poor image - too many reflections - but I took it while driving.

I don't know if the drought is having this effect or it is later than I think. The leaves are already turning on the trees on the road up to Mary's.
Here is a Buckeye tree, always the first to lose it's leaves, but it is already almost completely bare.
Off in the distance a California Sycamore glows in the sunlight. I suppose I can't reconcile the autumn leaves and the temperatures in the 90s while I was up there. It just doesn't seem that autumn is upon us so soon!
The fires in SCalifornia are being contained and several are out. The big Station Fire that I could see so well on my way north on Sunday has burned over the tops of the ridges so only the smoke is visible. I could see Mt. Wilson and it didn't look as though the fire had burned to the top where the venerable Mt. Wilson Observatory is located. The scientists and landmark enthusiasts were very, very concerned. It is so tragic that two firemen lost their lives fighting the fire, which was set by the hand of man.

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Monday, November 3, 2008

Still no autumn 11-02-08

California Sycamores in the park behind our house. The color you see in the leaves is just the setting sun reflecting.

The leaves are brown on the trees and they are brown on the ground. Corky pays no attention.

These are the trees behind Rayna Gillman's house in New Jersey - just what trees should look like this time of year. [See her blog for October 28, 2008]

Mary and Joe in San Juan Bautista can enjoy the Lombardy Poplar just outside the main gate. It takes at least a temperature drop to 40F to start this sort of color. The bare Buckeye tree midway up on the left is still loaded with the Buckeye fruit. And even the California Sycamore on the right side above the middle of the picture has yellow leaves. For a contrast see my post for 09-06-08 showing the same Lombardy.

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Tuesday, October 23, 2007

More autumn 10-23-07

Red Rock, PA. Fall Foliage 11-21-07

I have seen pictures of the autumn trees in the NE states, but this one really stuns me. I suppose I haven't seen too many pictures of such a immense area and hadn't contemplated just how many miles are covered with this amazing color change. Some day I will take a "leaf peeping" tour, maybe even to PA!

I apologize for my "typo" yesterday. The smaller plume of smoke in the photo is from the Malibu fire - not Santa Monica. I have corrected the blog.

The winds have died down considerably, but the fires still burn slowly up the canyons and mountain sides. The sun has gone down so there won't be anymore water drops tonight. The Forest Service planes/choppers only fly from dawn to dusk. The most serious areas now are Running Springs near Big Bear and in San Diego County where 500,00 people have been evacuated from their homes. It is horrific!

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Autumn 09-15-07

That autumn smell is in the air! We will still have hot weather - has been up to 100F in October - but some trees are showing their fall colors (mostly beige!), especially the California Sycamores. I'd like to drive up Hwy 395 along the Eastern side of the Sierra sometime soon. My late husband Floyd and I would go up for a final fishing trip sometime in October and it was usually glorious with the aspen in their shimmering yellow/gold. But the fishing wasn't great.

Corky is with me again, just for the weekend, so I didn't get any sewing done today. One thing he does for me is get me out of the house for a walk, usually about half an hour, but today we did about 45 minutes. I can't seem to keep a walking schedule if there is nobody to force me to do it! I do like seeing what is new in the neighborhood. There are several houses that have been for sale for over a year, not a good time to be trying to sell or to be looking for a mortgage. Here is a cute little house that is unoccupied, but not for sale!