Showing posts with label Food. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Food. Show all posts

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Food - Again! 03-01-25


I am still trying to gain some energy, so we are back to walking twice a day, today we managed 6541 steps (2.79 miles).  But I don't seem to do much of interest.   That is why I am posting my current favorite meal.

I have become addicted to this salad and have posted it previously.  It is lunch or dinner several times a week.  Starting  with two scoops of lactose free cottage cheese, I add an assortment of fruit.   Usually I cut up a small apple, half a large  banana, part of an orange or a mandarin, some blueberries and a handful of chopped toasted pecans.   I might add half an avocado, some chopped celery, a pear, a peach, or any fruit that is available. I stir in some Brianna's poppy seed dressing and maybe a sprinkle of toasted sesame seeds.  
It is so delicious and, I guess, healthy.  

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Friday, February 28, 2025

Friday Food 02-28-25


When Kathy hosted our Book Group in October she presented our dessert in this special way..
She got out all of her fancy stemware, made several different pudding like desserts, divided them into the goblets, and sprinkled to tops with "sprinkles". We could choose several different treats or find two that we favored. FUN!

For decades we met in the evening, but now that everyone has retired we meet in the middle of the day and we each bring our own lunch.  The hostess, as always,  serves a dessert.  

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Saturday, February 15, 2025

Friday Food 02-14-25


At first glance this looks edible, but it is really a glass box of hearts made of stone, wood, leather, and enamel.  Clutter collected over the years.

Here are some real chocolates gifted years ago. Good, but not See's.

The February meeting of Surfside Quilters Guild always  has lots of Valentine goodies on the refreshment table. 

These appared on my porch table this year.  From neighbors with no names!  Thank you!

I am feeling much better, still coughing, but no spasms today.  The four of our small group who were going to Phoenix for QuiltCon have canceled our trip.  Sickness, apprehension about viruses, and the death of a  husband.  It just wouldn't work. 
I do hope to be able to walk KoKo tomorrow.

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Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Christmas Day that was 12-26-23

As it turned out I had two Christmas dinners.   Several weeks ago there was a post on Next Door with the offer of a free Xmas dinner, all one needed to do was make a "reservation" and pick it up on Xmas Day, no charge!   I  ordered two dinners thinking I would ask my neighbor if he would like one.  But with my procrastinating ways I never asked him.   However, on Friday my friend Tina told me one of her family had Covid and another had flu like symptoms.  She is my age and doesn't want any germs, so I told her about the extra dinner I had ordered.  At 2pm on Monday I drove over to Villa Park, a verrrry fancy town about 15 minutes away to pick  up the dinners. It is a high price area with enormous houses; this one must be at least twice as big as mine, maybe 5 or 6 bedrooms.  Sort of French provincial.  A lady on the curb asked "how many?" and I said two, she passed that onto a teenage boy who had come out.  Soon he returned with two to-go boxes, I said "Thank You" and passed  him a small bag with a  hank You card and a waxed amaryllis bulb. I drove to Tina's who had the table set and we enjoyed our dinner while KoKo drooled at our feet. Eventually he just crawled in  his bed and went to sleep.   We had a good serving of ham, carrot rounds, potato casserole with cornflakes (new to me), red Jello, a bread roll, and rice crispy treat for dessert (I will offer them to the boys).

Blow up Santa in the front yard. 

KoKo and I came home and had a nap.  
About 7pm  Anna, who is sometimes my studio assistant, called to say she would like to bring me dinner from her family's Xmas meal.   Although I told her we had already eaten, she insisted.  They had an unusual meal, but when I ate it for  lunch today it  was very tasty and  there is enough for lunch tomorrow.
Lasagna, chicken alfredo, the best corn corn casserole, mashed potatoes, a bread roll, a fresh pear, a square of homemade fudge, and a large serving of apple pan dowdy. 
I will always think of this Xmas as the double  dinner  \Xmas!
I haven't put up lights since a few years after Floyd died, but this arrangement  on a one storied  house tempts me to copy it next year using green lights  so it looks like a row of  trees.

A  full moon rising when we took our evening walk about 6pm.
A little hazy, but no rain predicted.  

KoKo is past ready for bed tonight.   He had extra treats  yesterday and  I suppose he wonders why not today!    He still weighs 12 pounds.   

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Friday, September 1, 2023

A momentos day 09-01-23

Today was my 85th birthday.  How did I live so long?  I am now older than my mother and both  my grandmothers when they died. I find I am a little obsessed with this birthday and I just don't know why.  Anyway it has been a good day and cooler than the last few weeks. I had lunch with friend Carol Bednar at  our favorite lunch spot, Fitness Grill in Yorba Linda.  It was quite comfortable in the patio and it wasn't crazy full.  Pictures below.   I have a beautiful mixed flower bouquet which is  so tall I could only photograph it on the kitchen floor!  Lovely soft colors and no lilies which are beautiful, but the fragrance is too much.  Also picture below.

Grilled salmon sandwich with a sort of  mixed salad with thumb sized tomatoes.  It  is no longer on the menu, however I like it so much they are willing to make it  for me.   These days I cannot eat the entire thing, so I have half left for tomorrow's breakfast.

Chicken grilled on skewers and roasted veggies on a bed of rice.  Carol felt it was a perfect lunch. 

Since it was a birthday event we shared a dessert. An almond, raspberry bar with  fresh fruit and whipped cream. 

And to top off the day, Dave, the mail carrier, sang 'Flying me to the moon'!!  He has a very nice voice.

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Monday, June 5, 2023

Return from San Diego (06-03-23) 06-05-23

The drive to San Diego on Friday afternoon is always slow and I expected it, so I didn't get uptight and other drivers seem to take it in stride.  There are always one or two maniacs that just jockey from lane to lane to get ahead.  All that does is slow traffic even more.  My average speed was 24mph, but, of course, that was an average between dead stop and 80mph.  It took three hours.  

I  checked into  HIE-Old Town, my usual stopping place, and Beth  picked me up to go to dinner at Jimmy's Famous American Tavern right on the water, but we sat  inside out of the wind.  The French Dip was delicious, the first  I have had in years, it came with house made chips (no sulfites), and an Arnold Palmer to drink.   Interesting  to watch the customers, I just don't get out much any more!   

Ouside in the breeze  way was  this  wonderful  fully blooming vine.  Looks like  honeysuckle, but I've never seen such huge blooms or leaves.  Not terribly fragrant. 

I was  early to bed in the firm center  of the king sized bed with my earplugs in.  Can never sleep on either side of those big beds because they are all broken down.  My other option is to sleep crosswise across the foot part of the  mattress.  My preference would be a recliner and I understand  that some motels offer rooms so equipped.  I'll have to check around. 

On Saturday morning off to pick up Andrea and Deb and drive to Jamul, which is southeast of San  Diego, for the Art Stream meeting.  There were only five of the eight members, but that gave us all more talking time!!  We do an "assignment"  at each  live meeting and this month it was trees.  I didn't ask if I could post anyone's work, so I am just showing mine.  It is obviously not finished - just the fusing is done.  It is an abstract of a forest and I am still debating how to add some foliage.  The color in this image is rather darker than  reality  and  I don't know how to fix that.  Sorry. 

There will be smooth outside edges, probably faced.  

After the meeting and lunch I headed home in medium traffic, some  fast, some  slow and picked up KoKo at Nancy's about 3pm. Then another hour home.  Of course, we both needed a nap before putting things away.  And the  discovery that I don't have my datebook/calendar.  It has disappeared and I am  completely  in the dark about any dates or appointments I have for the rest of my life!!  It  is  a horrible feeling to not know what tomorrow, or tomorrow, or tomorrow or.....   will bring!  I have started a list as I remember things (like my 3pm doctor visit tomorrow, which I called to confirm), but there are notes and phone numbers I will not be able to recall.  I have never switched to keeping a calendar on my cell phone - in case I lose it!!!  This has been very stressful and I feel unconnected to my own world. I have never been one to lose things, but guess I screwed up this time.  Woe is I!

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Monday, May 1, 2023

SLOOOOOOW Internet 04-31-23

Breakfast out this morning.   I met my bookie friend Verna at the Mini Gourmet, a rather "throwback" little local breakfast/lunch place.   It reminds me of places I knew in the 1940s and 1950s growing up in Portland, OR, but they were not carpeted! .  When we first arrived there were just a few people seated, but it soon filled up and many of the customers are regulars.  Verna says that when it is very busy some customers will put on an apron and help out.  It is run by five guys who all look like they belong to the Mexican mafia plus one young woman (shown) and they are all related in some way.  The prices are moderate, but still quite a bit more than they were five years ago.  I had pancakes, eggs, bacon, coffee, and had to leave part of the pancakes.  

Beside the long time Book Group Verna and I share our love of quilting, we are about the same age, both widows, and exchange information about dealing with our various ills.

I shared my "electricity" post on the Elder Orphans Facebook group and it turned out to be a great opportunity for many to share their electric outage experiences.  Most of them live in places  that have many outages for very long periods of time due to hurricanes, tornadoes, winter  storms, etc.  My five hour experience  is almost laughable.  However, there was a lot of information shared about keeping supplies and equipment ready and different ways they have prepared or recovered from their experiences.  I wish I could share the 89 comments with you as there are some valuable ideas there.  Almost everyone mentioned having lots of batteries on hand and keeping your cell phone charged.  I do have a solar charger that is about the same size as my cell phone and always sits in a south facing window . But i am diligent about keeping my cell  charged.  One person pointed out that I could have toasted bread using tongs over a burner on the gas range and others mentioned keeping the outside grill in good shape using gas or even charcoal. 

I don't know why, but it has taken more than an hour to prepare this post.  Very slow response when I type - I have to stop and let the letters catch up and  I am NOT a fast typist.  Hope it is well tomorrow! 

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Monday, February 27, 2023

Miscellaneous + Food 02-27-23

A mostly sunny day today, but still too cold - 55F - 41F.   There were a few showers that we managed to miss on our morning and evening walks.  Some neighbors took advantage of a little sunshine to walk their dogs in the park.  This seemed like an organized group so maybe there is such in the patio homes behind us.  There are quite a few regular dog walkers off and on all day, some just walk, others throw balls or frisbees.  It is more than a block from the busy Palm Drive to this end of the park and the dogs seem to stay with their people.  KoKo, I think, finds the park boring because there are only grass and tall trees, no small bushes he can smell and water.  We rarely go there, but walk on the sidewalks in the loop around our tract.  

From the lower right, our low back wall, our slope and iron fence, beyond which you can see the flood control channel, the chain link fence around the park and halfway up is the block wall around the patio home complex.  It is a nice view and usually it is deserted and quiet. 

I do eat some unusual meals.  Mostly depending on what I have in the frig or the fruit/veggie bowl.  Tonight I had no bread, but a ripe avocado.  So, instead of avocado toast I had avocado frozen waffles!  Very tasty, perhaps better than avocado toast.  Just plain avocado with a little salt and a sprinkle of pepper.  I'll put this on my rotating menu.   By-the-way, I prefer Trader Joe's frozen waffles, they are gluten free, but much tastier than the super market brands.  

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Saturday, February 4, 2023

Saturday Food! 02-04-23

 It was a lovely winter day in Placentia, CA.  High temp about 70F, very slight wind, and....

.........................................a full moon coming up about 5pm.  It looked so huge , but this picture makes it took tiny.  Lovely, anyway. 

It must have been cold at high altitude because the contrails were bright and there were many. We have lots of airplanes going into and out of John Wayne/Orange County, Long Beach, and Los Angeles airports.  There is also the general aviation Fullerton airport just about eight miles due west, just small planes and helicopters..  

After craving a burger for the last few days I gave in and we drove over to Yorba Linda for an In 'N Out burger and fries.  It was dark and cold, but KoKo had to have his head hanging out to check out the grounds and all the cars in line.  This is the first time we were offered a Puppy Patty and I was curious, so I bought him one for $1.10 - it is just a small hamburger patty, no salt.  I gave him half as a treat and saved the other half for tomorrow.  Since he normally does not eat people food it was a VERY special treat.  Hope it doesn't give him the runs.  

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Thursday, February 2, 2023

Cost of living 02-02-23

We all feel it!  Some more than others.  I am being a bit more of a penny-pincher -  this from a lady who has splurged at Whole Foods twice in the last month!  But some things are a little hard to take.  

Twice when I went to the market lately there were no eggs for sale.  But when I went to Ralph's the other day they had lots of eggs, however they are mostly "designer" eggs.  I actually looked up some of these terms when I got home.  The price was about $9/dozen!  Fortunately they did have some plain ole brown eggs for $5.29/dozen.  Still a bit high and I bet they taste just as good as the designer eggs.  

Today I had lunch with a friend at Fitness Grill in Yorba Linda, one of my favorite lunch spots.  It has never been a low cost meal, but it is getting more expensive.  Today we both had two salmon tacos, which are on tortillas about 4", and I had ice tea.  Our bill and added tip was $44.   I brought home our uneaten bread and chips so maybe it was 2 1/2 meals.  It was much more satisfying than a Mexican Pizza at Taco Bell but is not something I feel I could afford very often.  

On another note: my latest gas bill was $244.  About four times what it was for the same period last year.  I use gas for heat, hot water, and clothes dryer.  It is not just that it has been colder this winter, it seems the cost of gas has gone through the roof.  I'm thinking about putting up a clothesline and hanging most things out to dry in the free air.  Just like old times. 

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Friday, January 13, 2023

Too much for one day! 01-13-23

This is the view from the church parking lot in San Clemente LAST year on Jan 11th.  Compare to the same view I posted on Wednesday.  The darker blue in the middle is the Pacific Ocean.  

I had too much of a day today - walk KoKo, deliver him to groomer at 8am (groan), pick him up at 10am, brunch at 11am with Carol at Toast for their fantastic Benedicts, and PTherapy at 1pm.  I admit that I then took a nap when I I got home!  And now it is after eleven and I am completely wiped out and will have to post tomorrow.  G'night. 

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Thursday, January 5, 2023

Will skip a day~ 01-05-23

KoKo and I went to an open house in San Clemente on Sunday.  This is the old fashioned "open house" which is a get-together with friends for the purpose of visiting and eating and having a good time.  NOT the real estate open house to show a house that is for sale.  I explain this because when I used the term two different people said "Are you looking for a house?"   So, depending, I suppose, on one's age the term has a different meaning. 

This was the annual event hosted by Nancy Ota and family.  It is partially a potluck, but Nancy provides quite a few dishes herself.  I always take a box of See's, but this year I also took an assortment of olives from Whole Foods "Mediterranean Bar".  There are offerings other than olives and I bought some tiny red peppers with a vinegar/sweet flavor.  I thought they would be festive with the various greens of the olives, but they were also delicious!  They are at the center of this picture between the salmon and the spare ribs.  

There were Japanese foods and Anglo foods.  

Sashimi  on ice. 

Many kinds of sushi.

And much, much more.  I ate a little of everything - so delicious. 

Will not write tomorrow night when I am in San Diego.  Trying to travel a little lighter and won't take my laptop.  

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Saturday, December 17, 2022

Still gimping 12-17-22

I haven't been able to walk the loop, but the neighbor on Brian had his skeleton up for Halloween and transitioned him to a sort of pilgrim and then to a Santa skeleton.  You can see how tall he is by comparing KoKo who is at the very bottom of the picture.   Driving here and there I have seen a number of these big guys this year, most were dismantled after Halloween. 

Several people after seeing the dessert pictures mentioned the Danish Kringle from TJoe's .  I am actually on my second almond Kringle this year.  I portion them, Baggie them, and put about half in the freezer.  I pop the frozen piece in the microwave for a few seconds and eat it warm.  DELICIOUS!   I have also been stocking up on TJoe's Cranberry/Orange relish that is sooo good, but once only available for Thanksgiving.  I complained a couple years ago that it should be available for Xmas and I suppose others did the same.  So it is now sold through December, or until they run out of supply.  I freeze it and haul it out throughout the year.  Sooo good on a number of different cuisines.  

I was off my feet quite bit yesterday dealing with a missing check.  The company did receive it, but then it just disappeared.  I have never stopped payment on a check before and found that I was required to go to the credit union to show my ID and sign a form to authorize the stop payment.   But before I found that out I spent forever on the phone being switched around to a bunch of different people and listened to the tinned music almost more than I could stand (mute helped).  The CUnion is only a mile away, but all told I spent hours dealing with this problem.  On Monday I will verify that the check was REALLY stopped before I write another one.  I do still pay most of my bills by check because I feel that I keep better track of my money.  And I won't forget how to write in long hand.  I do make grocery lists, but that is about all I write except occasional scribbled notes to myself.  

Hope to do some sewing tomorrow.  Mostly just mending, but may do some machine quilting.  Wonder if I can elevate my left leg while running the machine with my right.   Doubt it!
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Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Out in the world! 07-26-22

Not much to talk about when all I do is mask up to go to the grocery, Starbuck's, or guild meeting.  Or unmasked to walk the loop with KoKo twice a day.   Fortunately I have friend Carol to tempt me out to lunch once in a while.  We went on Friday to Toast in Brea.  I have talked about this place before and this is the third time we went there.  Could not pass up the fabulous eggs benedict served with chipped French fries and/or arugula with Myer lemon drizzle.  Some day we will taste something else.  Maybe.  

This location is quite large and was at least one other restaurant.  It is cavernous and very noisy.  I find the decor strange - sort of things set out for a garage sale.  The items don't have anything in common and they are not artfully arranged.  

It was quite full on Friday morning and next to our table was an extended group of young ladies, plus one young man and an adult man.  This lady seemed to be in charge of all these young women, perhaps it was a graduation party.  I was fascinated by the clothing they were wearing.  Surely this gal was wearing palazzos from the 70s.

Unlike when I was in my early twenties and ladies mostly wore the same type of clothing, these gals were all over the place.  Jeans (faded and torn, of course), short shorts and spaghetti straps, full slacks and sleeveless top.  Note also loooong hair. 

And then there were short dresses and long, tiered dresses.  Sandals, heels, tennis shoes (or whatever they are called these days). 

They seemed like nice young ladies and they had a great time taking pictures in groups and singles.  When I stood up and hooked my long necklace on the chair back the beads when flying.  Everyone hustled to find them all and put them in a take out container for me to carefully take home.  I do have them all and will need to find someone to do the repair since my hands can no longer to that sort of thing.  

Carol needed to go to a shop in the Brea Mall so we continued our adventures and I will write about them tomorrow.  I hope I can get on line then.  

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Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Another day - flowers 06-08-22

I didn't drive to San Diego today for the meeting of the art quilt group I belong to.  I just didn't have the energy for the two + hours down and another two + hours back.  But I did have some errands to do and was in the vicinity of Armstrong Nursery which I have been going to visit for at least a month.  Needed rose food and some marigolds to plant with my tomato plant.  The garden center is chock-a-block with blooming everything, very beautiful, but I was pressed for time so didn't take pictures.  I had KoKo with me riding in the cart and being a good dog.  The clerk Nicole was very helpful and friendly, hope she is there when I ever go back again.  Along with the marigolds I bought a single Coreopsis plant, just because I used to always have some in my yard.  They make me feel good!  

KoKo, Nicole, Coreopsis, and Marigolds.  

Then I met friend Carol for lunch at Blue Agave restaurant in Yorba Linda - it was delicious and I didn't need dinner tonight.  The food is sort of modern Mexican and they were very busy.  Because it was about 80F we ate inside, but felt well socially distanced. 

By the time I was home again I had to have a nap and just sort of passed out for several hours.  This being tired all the time is a huge waste of time.  KoKo and I spent about 20 minutes looking for Froggy - where could he be?  Ah-h-h-h, I finally thought to look in the recliner.  Yep, there he was trapped, why couldn't KoKo see or smell him.  Once I showed him where that frog was he grabbed hold and tugged and tugged.  I had to sit down and recline to let him loose.  

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Thursday, May 5, 2022

Catching up! 05-05-22

Oh, my goodness, I haven't posted for a week.  Not only do I not do much of anything, I also don't have any energy.  We do our two walks a day, but sometimes, like today, I come home in the morning so weary I have to take a nap.  Have an appointment with my primary next week and hope she can help.  Or I'll have to look for a new doctor and most of you know what that is like.  

I have been eating out.  Too lazy to prepare food myself.  Last week Carol and I went to Fish in a Bottle for the first time in forever.  I had Salmon Sashimi which was as delicious as it always is.  Carol had Tempura, which she shared, and it was also delicious.  I will have to go more often.  Unfortunately, our favorite waiter no longer works there and we missed him.  Hope he has found a better place.   On Saturday I was invited to dine with one of my neighbors whose wife was out of town, along with another widow lady.  I think he just doesn't like to eat alone as he has asked us before.  Rembrandt's is a local steak house which is very popular, probably because of the bar.  The place is sort of a barn and the tables are bare, not even a placemat, and it is very noisy.  I chose the blackened Diver Sea Scallops on Parmesan Mushroom Risotto. Tasty if a little salty and the presentation was lacking - even a few sprigs of parsley would have helped.  At any rate I could only eat half and had the remainder for dinner the next night.  

Scallops with Risotto

Guess I got in the mood for avoiding my kitchen and took KoKo out for breakfast on Tuesday.   There is an old and popular breakfast/lunch spot that has several names.  I think of it as Two Sisters, which is what it was called when I first came to Placentia.  They have some outdoor seating so I took KoKo's pad and we sat under the eave and looked out into the parking lot.  The outer patio was added with the Pandemic and takes up about ten parking spaces.  Bummer.  

I people watched, of course, mostly this lady who was decked out in sparkles.  You might be able to see that she has rings on every finger, both hands.  Also a sequined blouse and this light jacket with silver threads throughout.  I know I am being old fashioned, but all that glitz at 9am?  Shocking!

I mainly went for pancakes which are quite thick and large, filling the inner rim of the plate.  They were very tasty and very filling, so I had to leave these last few bites.  Their coffee is good and I relaxed and enjoyed the different view.  KoKo was very good and was happy to let people pet him, but mostly just laid on his pad and watched everything that was going on. 

I've managed to put off grocery shopping until I have no bread, no eggs, no veggies, no fruit, ...the cupboard is almost bare.  MUST go tomorrow.  Anyway, I was forced to go to In & Out Berger tonight.  I guess I go about every six weeks, mostly so I can have French Fries!  They are one of the few places that don't use precut potatoes which are kept fresh with Sulfites, to which I am very allergic.  In & Out starts with fresh potatoes, peels, and slices them on site, so I don't have to worry.    So, that has been my "gourmet" week.  As far as accomplishing anything at home, it is just the usual - laundry, watering, cleaning the bathroom... you know, all the unexciting things we do. 

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Monday, April 11, 2022

Empty Spools 2020 - Other things. 04-11-22

Three meals a day are provided for students and the food is usually quite good.  They do fabulous veggies, fresh from the local fields and cooked correctly.  There is also a large bowl of salad at the table for dinner - fresh and tasty.  On Wednesday night there is no evening program and some students go off campus for dinner.  Several of us went to one of my favorite Pacific Grove restaurants right on the border with Monterey.  Il Vecchio has the best Carbonara I have ever eaten and they also offer a side of steamed broccoli which is my favorite vegetable.  Delicious!  I don't even remember what anyone else ate, but we did share a piece of chocolate cake for dessert.  Four forks were flying!  It was excellent. 

Judy, Andrea, and I went to the Red House (another favorite spot) on Thursday night for their scrumptious hamburgers.  It is always difficult to decide which of my favorites to order, but this was definitely a hamburger night.  Never fails to satisfy. 

On Thursday immediately after class (4pm) all the classrooms are open for "walkabout" so students can visit all of the classrooms.  We enjoyed seeing  the work others were doing and contemplated what classes we might take in the future.

We especially appreciated Priscilla Bianchi, who is from Guatemala and uses fabric from her native country in her quilts.  Combining that fabric with commercial fabric her students were creating some fascinating designs. 

We were so taken with the vintage Japanese yukata fabric that Patricia Belyea was selling in her classroom that I didn't take pictures of her students' work.  However, I did buy some of the fabric.  I have followed Patricia for a few years and she has moved to Eastern Washington now and will open her online shop this month. Check out Okan Arts.  Her students were working with the yukata fabric and commercial fabric and sewing both curved and straight seams.  Interesting. 

We admired the projects in classes with Katie Pasquini Masopust, Susan Carlson, Velda Newman, and Marianne Williamson.  

It is expensive to attend Empty Spools, but all food and lodging are provided so there aren't extra costs involved, unless you choose to eat out or buy fabric!  Start saving up for next year's session. The 2023 schedule will be out in early May.  

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