Saturday, March 1, 2025
Food - Again! 03-01-25
Friday, February 28, 2025
Friday Food 02-28-25
Saturday, February 15, 2025
Friday Food 02-14-25
Wednesday, December 27, 2023
Christmas Day that was 12-26-23
As it turned out I had two Christmas dinners. Several weeks ago there was a post on Next Door with the offer of a free Xmas dinner, all one needed to do was make a "reservation" and pick it up on Xmas Day, no charge! I ordered two dinners thinking I would ask my neighbor if he would like one. But with my procrastinating ways I never asked him. However, on Friday my friend Tina told me one of her family had Covid and another had flu like symptoms. She is my age and doesn't want any germs, so I told her about the extra dinner I had ordered. At 2pm on Monday I drove over to Villa Park, a verrrry fancy town about 15 minutes away to pick up the dinners. It is a high price area with enormous houses; this one must be at least twice as big as mine, maybe 5 or 6 bedrooms. Sort of French provincial. A lady on the curb asked "how many?" and I said two, she passed that onto a teenage boy who had come out. Soon he returned with two to-go boxes, I said "Thank You" and passed him a small bag with a hank You card and a waxed amaryllis bulb. I drove to Tina's who had the table set and we enjoyed our dinner while KoKo drooled at our feet. Eventually he just crawled in his bed and went to sleep. We had a good serving of ham, carrot rounds, potato casserole with cornflakes (new to me), red Jello, a bread roll, and rice crispy treat for dessert (I will offer them to the boys).
Friday, September 1, 2023
A momentos day 09-01-23
Today was my 85th birthday. How did I live so long? I am now older than my mother and both my grandmothers when they died. I find I am a little obsessed with this birthday and I just don't know why. Anyway it has been a good day and cooler than the last few weeks. I had lunch with friend Carol Bednar at our favorite lunch spot, Fitness Grill in Yorba Linda. It was quite comfortable in the patio and it wasn't crazy full. Pictures below. I have a beautiful mixed flower bouquet which is so tall I could only photograph it on the kitchen floor! Lovely soft colors and no lilies which are beautiful, but the fragrance is too much. Also picture below.
And to top off the day, Dave, the mail carrier, sang 'Flying me to the moon'!! He has a very nice voice.
Monday, June 5, 2023
Return from San Diego (06-03-23) 06-05-23
The drive to San Diego on Friday afternoon is always slow and I expected it, so I didn't get uptight and other drivers seem to take it in stride. There are always one or two maniacs that just jockey from lane to lane to get ahead. All that does is slow traffic even more. My average speed was 24mph, but, of course, that was an average between dead stop and 80mph. It took three hours.
I checked into HIE-Old Town, my usual stopping place, and Beth picked me up to go to dinner at Jimmy's Famous American Tavern right on the water, but we sat inside out of the wind. The French Dip was delicious, the first I have had in years, it came with house made chips (no sulfites), and an Arnold Palmer to drink. Interesting to watch the customers, I just don't get out much any more!
Monday, May 1, 2023
SLOOOOOOW Internet 04-31-23
Monday, February 27, 2023
Miscellaneous + Food 02-27-23
Saturday, February 4, 2023
Saturday Food! 02-04-23
It was a lovely winter day in Placentia, CA. High temp about 70F, very slight wind, and....
Thursday, February 2, 2023
Cost of living 02-02-23
We all feel it! Some more than others. I am being a bit more of a penny-pincher - this from a lady who has splurged at Whole Foods twice in the last month! But some things are a little hard to take.
Friday, January 13, 2023
Too much for one day! 01-13-23
Thursday, January 5, 2023
Will skip a day~ 01-05-23
Saturday, December 17, 2022
Still gimping 12-17-22
I haven't been able to walk the loop, but the neighbor on Brian had his skeleton up for Halloween and transitioned him to a sort of pilgrim and then to a Santa skeleton. You can see how tall he is by comparing KoKo who is at the very bottom of the picture. Driving here and there I have seen a number of these big guys this year, most were dismantled after Halloween.
Tuesday, July 26, 2022
Out in the world! 07-26-22
Not much to talk about when all I do is mask up to go to the grocery, Starbuck's, or guild meeting. Or unmasked to walk the loop with KoKo twice a day. Fortunately I have friend Carol to tempt me out to lunch once in a while. We went on Friday to Toast in Brea. I have talked about this place before and this is the third time we went there. Could not pass up the fabulous eggs benedict served with chipped French fries and/or arugula with Myer lemon drizzle. Some day we will taste something else. Maybe.
Wednesday, June 8, 2022
Another day - flowers 06-08-22
I didn't drive to San Diego today for the meeting of the art quilt group I belong to. I just didn't have the energy for the two + hours down and another two + hours back. But I did have some errands to do and was in the vicinity of Armstrong Nursery which I have been going to visit for at least a month. Needed rose food and some marigolds to plant with my tomato plant. The garden center is chock-a-block with blooming everything, very beautiful, but I was pressed for time so didn't take pictures. I had KoKo with me riding in the cart and being a good dog. The clerk Nicole was very helpful and friendly, hope she is there when I ever go back again. Along with the marigolds I bought a single Coreopsis plant, just because I used to always have some in my yard. They make me feel good!
Thursday, May 5, 2022
Catching up! 05-05-22
Oh, my goodness, I haven't posted for a week. Not only do I not do much of anything, I also don't have any energy. We do our two walks a day, but sometimes, like today, I come home in the morning so weary I have to take a nap. Have an appointment with my primary next week and hope she can help. Or I'll have to look for a new doctor and most of you know what that is like.
I have been eating out. Too lazy to prepare food myself. Last week Carol and I went to Fish in a Bottle for the first time in forever. I had Salmon Sashimi which was as delicious as it always is. Carol had Tempura, which she shared, and it was also delicious. I will have to go more often. Unfortunately, our favorite waiter no longer works there and we missed him. Hope he has found a better place. On Saturday I was invited to dine with one of my neighbors whose wife was out of town, along with another widow lady. I think he just doesn't like to eat alone as he has asked us before. Rembrandt's is a local steak house which is very popular, probably because of the bar. The place is sort of a barn and the tables are bare, not even a placemat, and it is very noisy. I chose the blackened Diver Sea Scallops on Parmesan Mushroom Risotto. Tasty if a little salty and the presentation was lacking - even a few sprigs of parsley would have helped. At any rate I could only eat half and had the remainder for dinner the next night.
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