Showing posts with label Elllamarie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Elllamarie. Show all posts

Saturday, June 10, 2017

Looking back 06-10-17

I am one of those people who likes to look back to see what was happening on any given day in the past.  I don't record something every single day, but the advent of computers and digital cameras has given me a photo record on Picasa that stretches back to a few pictures from 2005 and some very old shots that have been scanned in at different times.  I have boxes of photos and slides going back from before I was born, but not the energy or inclination to go through them and scan them into the digital files.    Maybe some day in the future I will find time and interest. 

This is a week with several special memories.  Fifty-five years ago on June 9, 1962, I married my first husband with all the wonderful future stretching out before us.  We were divorced in 1971.  Such mixed memories of those nine years.  In 1991 I took my first class from Ruth McDowell (whose birthday is June 8th), one of many over the years.  A great teacher, a lovely friend, and a large part of the Thomas Contemporary Quilt Collection.   On June 6, 1997 I started being "nanny" to Corky, the Poodle Prince.  He had a great influence on my life and took me on many adventures I wouldn't have had without him.  He wasn't quite a year old and rather a handful at first.  He died in November 2013, leaving me bereft of a lover in my life.   A job taken in August 2016 by KoKo. 

Here I am with my sister, Ellamarie, taken in Portland, OR, sometime in 1941, I think.  Do I look like I am three-something and Ellamarie is six-something?   I had bangs and pigtails because my hair is as straight as hair can be.  Ellamarie has flowing locks because she inherited the natural curly hair gene. 

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