This has been a sad autumn for me. Four friends have died, And now my sister in Oregon has died. She turned 88 on November 12th and died on November 30th. She had four boys and a girl and the second son called to tell me. Ellamarie had not spoken to me in several decades, would not take my phone calls and I suppose she did not open any cards or letters I sent. I don't know why she took against me. I moved to California when I was 18, while she was married and started her family. Before our mother died in 1972 I went up about every other year, but ultimately she would take the children and go to eastern Oregon until I left! She never came down to see me. She lived in our childhood house in Portland and, as far as I know never traveled. She has been widowed for about ten years. I am sad, but we have been estranged for decades now and the connection we had growing up was broken long ago. She passed that break on to her children who I do not know and have random contacts with only two.
These are the only pictures I have on the computer of us together.