From the flower class................
Friday, March 31, 2023
Sue Benner, artist, teacher, author 03-31-23
From the flower class................
Home again. 03-30-23
Class was over yesterday, Wednesday, at noon. I had a little car problem so looked up a mechanic in PGrove and got an okay to drive home. Stopped at Back Porch in their new location. The fabric selection is just as wonderful, but miss the gallery and the spaciousness of the old place. Then I made one more cruise of Sunset Street that goes along the Bay, quite a few walkers and rock climbers and dog walkers and bicycles - just the usual crowd. But it was chilly and somewhat windy. Then on the road toward home. Some showers and construction, but made it to Harris Ranch before dark. Settled into my room, took a shower and collapsed about 8:30pm!! Coupla' pit stops during the night, but up and ready do go at 8am. I had thought to have steak and eggs for breakfast, the HRanch beef is the best, but the menu prices dissuaded me, $35 - $53 for breakfast is beyond my ken! Settled for prime rib benedict at $20+. Ate half and had the other half for dinner tonight - but ate both eggs this morning. Leftover eggs don't appeal to me! \
On the road again. Weather was moving clouds, some peeks of blue sky, a few showers, and a little gusty wind. Light traffic. There was a deluge going over the Ridge Route/Grapevine, but the temp was 41F so no snow. Everyone slowed down and drove carefully and soon we were all safely on the south side. Cloudy, but no more rain. Home at last about 2pm. Emptied the car, but didn't put anything away. Arranged to pick KoKo up tomorrow morning and then collapsed again. I have NO stamina these days along with the sciatica pain and now a pulled shoulder. Ain't easy getting old, eh? So, I slept for about three hours and then started putting everything away. It will take a long time, I think.
Monday, March 27, 2023
Empty Spools at Asilomar 03-27-23
My laptop is telling me there is a "Connection issue try again later" so no pictures tonight.
All is going well, Sue Benner is such a great teacher, so helpful and so non-judgmental. There are 20 ladies in the class and only a few are non-stop talkers. I am so accustomed to working in silence that all the chatter is distracting. We are in Merrill Hall so there is always noise from the shop and people crossing through the building only one door on each side is open due to the high winds. I am only "playing", not going to make any prize winning quilts. Right now I am going to bed so I will have a little vim and vigor in he morning. G'night!
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Monday, April 11, 2022
Empty Spools 2020 - Other things. 04-11-22
Thursday, March 31, 2022
Empty Spools 2022 Continued 03-31-22
I have been so wiped out since returning from Empty Spools, mostly I have slept the days away. In between naps I have gradually put some things away, edited my photos, taken care of KoKo, including two walks a day, and taken more naps. I don't have Covid, so I guess it is just old age. I haven't made it to the market, but will have to go tomorrow. All I have left is some milk, some eggs (from my neighbor's chickens), and a few slices of bread. Even the freezer is mostly empty!
Sue Benner's class was very busy and she keeps the tempo up with assignments, slide shows, lectures and demos. Our second assignment was to make six quilt "sandwiches" (backing, fusible, batting) either square or rectangular and I chose the 8" X 10" size. Using the inspiration picture that we brought from home we were to make one realistic interpretation and five abstractions. My inspiration was Angel's Trumpet Flowers and I found abstraction difficult.
is based on a picture of a bunch of people in round hats and a person who might be ill - I can't tell. Her 2nd project on the left started with the image of the front of a train on a bridge.
Wednesday, March 30, 2022
Catching up, I hope! 03-29-22
I am sorry I have not been able to blog while at Empty Spools. Trouble with my cell phone and with my laptop, along with exhaustion every night! And now, even at home, I cannot change the margins on this paragraph. Computing doesn't seem to be my thing anymore. Anyway, I will blog pictures from my class until I run out, maybe be the end of this week.
I can't find words to say how FABULOUS it was to be back at Empty Spools. I felt like I was home after a long trip away. Some students I knew from the previous 29 years, but there were new people to meet and a couple new teachers. Of course, Suzanne and Gayle, the owners of this seminar event were there and Carolee with her shop in the back of Merrill Hall. I did visit all the classrooms on the walk-about on Thursday after class and attended all the evening programs. This time I had two friends riding along with me, Andrea Bacal and Judy Warren-Tippets, from San Diego. Andrea and I roomed together and our room in Surf was only four doors from our classroom in Surf and Sand. Very convenient.
The building is the furtherest west on the campus and this is the view out the sliders. On the far left is Sunset Road that goes along the Bay and in the dip in the right middle is a view of the waves in the Bay. Those spikes at the top are the ends of the rafters that extend the roof over the little deck outside the back of the room. We had four beds - a double and three twins. Lots of room to spread our our stuff and, by choice, no maid service so we never had to tidy up.
The classroom has great light since it is just floor to ceiling windows on three sides, but it is a little small for twenty students, each with their own table and all their piles of fabric and equipment. The noise level can be dithering. But we managed as has every class that has been in this location. I took this picture while standing in the door, pretty much shows how together we were. The class was all about ABSTRACTION.
Our first assignment was to take the picture Sue Benner gave to each of us and abstract it into a 12X12 fused fiber image using five preselected 20" square fabrics. The original timing was 20 minutes, but we managed to stretch it to more like 40! We then pinned them up on design boards and critiqued. The smaller images are the original pictures.
The picture Sue gave me is an aerial shot of tundra with trees. And this is what I did with it.
Wednesday, March 23, 2022
At Empty Spools - Asilomar 03-23-22
Sorry I have not been able to blog. Mostly I have just been so exhausted I go to sleep by 9:30pm, but I also had to figure out how to get online and reset my laptop because I used it at Fed Ex/Kinko's to transfer my class list and that seemed to have re-set everything! As time goes by I seem to forget how to do much on the computer. It is 10pm and although I had a nap today I need to get to sleep. Here are some pictures from out classroom in Sue Benner's "Abstraction" class.
Well, change direction! Cannot access pictures I took today, but here are two from the Tuesday evening program when Velda Newman showed her latest quilt "Roses" with the aid of 7 or 8 of her students. I am not sure about the dimensions, but something like 52" TALL and maybe 16 feet long? Huge, as are most of her works.
Velda is retiring and won't be teaching at Empty Spools after this year.
Friday, March 12, 2021
A Little Sewing 03-12-21
Monday, January 4, 2021
Another day in isolation! 01-03-21
The longer I am in isolation the less I seem to be able to accomplish. Today we did our two walks around the loop, ate, read, napped, played toss Froggy, did a few little household jobs, dismantled the Christmas wreath, trolled Facebook, read and answered a few e-mails. Didn't talk to anyone and only saw three people on both of our walks. Is that a dull day, or what? I must do better. Make a list and stick to it.
I had an e-mail from Suzanne at Empty Spools Seminars. Looks like I might miss another year - after going every year since 1991. They have had to cancel the first two sessions, so no class with Sue Benner. I'll check to see where else she might be teaching later in 2021. But I moved my reservation to Session V in April for the Independent Study. I have taken that before, just taking a project from home and working on it all week. As I recall I didn't finish it there, but that is my SOP anyway. Unless the vaccination program gets going there may not be any Empty Spools Sessions at all this year. Here is a picture of one of the housing buildings at Asilomar taken maybe 15 years ago. The blue flowers are ceonothus bushes, native to California, but I doubt these were natives. Lots of deer all over the campus and the surrounding town of Pacific Grove.
Sunday, September 27, 2020
Trying to get back to blogging 09-27-20
Have not been able to blog since last week. On Thursday my dear friend Mabel Huseby of Mt. Vernon, WA, died. She had been diagnosed with colon cancer in July, had surgery, went through two sessions of chemo therapy pills and ended up back in the hospital. It was just too much for her, she was 89. We met in 1999 at Empty Spools Seminars at Asilomar and just hit it off as good friends. We started writing e-mails back and forth every evening in 2010, so we were very connected in our every day lives. There is such a huge empty place in my life I am having a hard time adjusting. I last saw her in August 2019 when I drove up and spent a couple weeks there, including five days at a class with Sue Benner at the Coupeville Art Center and KoKo stayed with Mabel and Mac in Mt. Vernon. We had planned another visit for May 2020, but that didn't work out due to the Virus. Thought about going in October, but it didn't look much better than the May trip. So now I will never see her again and I just can't get my mind around that.
Just a week before I had gone to Oceanside Museum of Art to see the Southern California Contemporary Quilt exhibit so I have pictures of that that I want to post. I'll try to do that soon.
Saturday, April 18, 2020
In an April long ago 04-18-20
Wednesday, March 25, 2020
Memories of Asilomar 03-24-20
Thursday, March 12, 2020
Beautiful drive to Oceanside 03-11-20
Thursday, February 20, 2020
Hanging Quilts 02-20-20
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