Thank you all for your birthday wishes. I was surprised by how many I had on Facebook. The common saying "Getting old ain't easy." certainly applies, but kind words from friends all over certainly make it more pleasant. And I did have a pleasant day. It was quite cool this morning at 7am when we went for our walk, almost like autumn, but I keep telling myself that September is here and Septembers are usually very hot. We'll see.
Even before we went for our walk we took pictures of those nice boys in the cul de sac. Julian is in 2nd grade and Emmanuel is in 6th grade. He has grown so tall over the summer, I think he must be five feet. They both gave KoKo some loving and he was busy licking their legs. He does like to lick people and I find it irritating most of the time. I have not been effective in training him not to do it.
Mid morning I went to PTherapy and felt slightly better afterward. My Medicare coverage has run out, so I will take a break and try very hard to do the exercises every day. And try to arrange another spinal injection. Hope it will help.
This gorgeous bouquet came from Carol and Dick. The delivery driver was a little mixed up and first brought me a vase of pink roses for "your anniversary". I said no, birthday. Then I looked at the card and they were from Rudy, but I don't know any Rudys. The driver took them back to the truck and returned to the shop. Forty minutes or so later he was back with this huge vase and told me he thought they were prettier than the pink roses! I agree.
Dick and Carol treated me to dinner at Ruth's Chris near Disneyland. I think the last time I had a steak was two years ago when they treated me. It is an elegant place and the service is very good.
They do serve about the best Caesar salad I have ever eaten.
Even though I don't drink I had a Champagne Cocktail, one of Carol's favorites. It was very tasty and not enough to give me a headache.
We all had the petite filet and shared sides of mushrooms, creamed spinach, and sweet potato casserole, all of which I recommend, but especially the sweet potato. I may try to find the recipe for that.
They serve a free dessert for birthdays - a small bread pudding which is just bread pudding. That single candle and the chocolate writing make it festive. But I think the chocolate writer might need to practice their penmnship. Looks like Buterboyz!
All together a lovely day. Thanks to Carol and Dick and all my online friends.
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