Showing posts with label Drought. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Drought. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Flowers need water 05-16-15

These are all images from 2010 taken in my yard.  Usually in May I have heavy blooms on....


...and bougainvillea.
But with our drought there is no feverfew, only a few shrunken flowers on the plumbago and sparse blooms on the bougainvillea.  Pitiful. 
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Tuesday, April 28, 2015

A long, but not exciting day 04-28-15

This is taking you along on parts of today's drive.  About 380 miles through prairie and mountains, from San Juan Bautista to Yreka, CA.  Not an exciting drive, but a cross section of the state via I-5.  These are the best of about 75 images taken while driving.
Dry (what do the cattle find to eat?)
 Dry - but with the San Luis Reservoir on the far right.
On the other side of the road - DRY!
On the far side the light part shows where the water used to be.
And next to the road the water once came up to the trees in the middle.
I'm glad I brought along my festive dice to add a little color.
Driving up into the mountains, this is the first view of Mt Shasta which is actually covered with snow!  You see that block dot on the left side of the image, it is directly  above the first view of Shasta.  I put the dot there because most of us can't see the mountain without it.
Shasta Lake (reservoir) is really low, the only place you can see it is while going over the bridge and the guard rail is in the way. 
When the water is a normal depth there are many houseboats on the lake.
Not much in the way of wild flowers, no redbud trees which should be out now.
About the only color along the highway is Scotch Broom which is not native, but is seen everywhere in the West.
There she is again - it is like playing tag as the road twists and turns.
At Dunsmuir turn off  Shasta is in full view.
And here is Black Butte - along with my colorful dice.
Not far from the Holiday Inn Express in Yreka is this old Yreka Railroad car.  How interesting that someone has tagged it with my name.  But the really interesting thing is the deer running along, directly under the D and beyond the car.  There were 7 or 8 deer making their way parallel to the road, but I didn't see them until I had taken the picture.and drove out from behind the car.  When I looked at the pictures on my laptop, there he is!
A pretty exciting day, eh?
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