Showing posts with label Driving test. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Driving test. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Driving/Driver's test 09-22-10

In California having a good driving record allows you to renew your driver's license every four years without taking any tests. However, the day will come when you have to go to the Dept of Motor Vehicles, to take a written test and have an eye exam. My day came with my September 1st birthday. I admit I am rather cocky about my driving skills, but don't think I know absolutely everything. So, I studied the sample tests the DMV has on their website and made an appointment for the tests. Imagine my chagrin when I missed three questions!

There is a California law that makes it illegal to smoke in a vehicle when a person younger than 18 years of age is present. Who knew? Not me.

How about this multiple choice question...
When is it legal to use a cell phone without a hands-free device while driving?
a. When making a call while stopped at a red light.
b. When making a call for emergency assistance.
c. Never.

One could argue if you are stopped you aren't actually driving and maybe if you have an emergency you shouldn't be driving. However, all the hullabaloo about not talking on the phone when driving led me to chose "c. Never". But the correct answer is "b. When making a call for emergency assistance."

I'm too embarrassed about the third question I had wrong. All I can say in my defense is that I read it incorrectly, or something like that.

Driving on I-5 I wonder if anyone knows the 'rules of the road'. Don't they know that before pulling in after passing a truck (or any other vehicle, I suppose) the driver should be able to see the front of the truck in their rear view mirror - not just one headlight, but the entire front of the truck? Don't they know that when they approach an emergency vehicle or a highway department project on the side of the road they are supposed to pull into the left lane (if it is unoccupied) until they have passed that area? Don't they know that it is illegal to drive for miles and miles in the left lane when the right lane is available? I won't bore you further, I could go on and on with the deficiencies of my fellow drivers. I guess I notice it more on I-5 because I drive it more frequently, but these violations are common on any California highway.

Anyway, I passed the test, have a truly horrible photo on my new license, have a restriction that I must wear glasses when driving (although I see quite well at a distance - about five feet beyond my outstretched fingertips) and will apparently have to go through this again in 2015, because I am over 70. I guess I will study harder next time.
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