The day after Christmas and some decorations are already down, but others will stay up well into January and even a few lights stay up all year, even if they don't light them up until next Christmas. I have no lights. In fact, my only showing for Christmas is a wreath on the door and a potted poinsettia on the porch. I have a variegated poinsettia in the kitchen because a friend gave it to me. It is quite lovely and I remembered to water both pots today. But in the neighborhood we still have...
I've never seen a Christmas hippo. No idea if this is a thing in some other country. The people have only lived here a few months and they are not very friendly. The steps are a new installation, finished just in time for the hippos.
This family gets more elaborate with each holiday. The lollipops and other decorations are homemade using plastic plates, bowls, cups, swim noodles, cardboard, plywood and cellophane wrap. They are very clever.
I think these signs inviting Santa are also homemade.
Santa had a bit of an accident and is sprawled among scattered packages.
Poor guy, maybe he tippled a bit too much.
The little skeleton by his side was bareheaded, so when I was at the 99cent store I bought him a Santa hat. It needed a safety pin to make it fit, but keeps his bald head warm.
We are expecting rain (HURRAH) so maybe some things will be taken down tomorrow. Although inches are predicted we may only get a drizzle. With our 20+ years of draught we don't get too excited now. Any drop will be welcome.
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