10:30am and I am online so I might get caught up on some postponed computer stuff today. We had a little rain earlier, but not enough to stave off the drought anytime soon. Another storm is moving down the coast so maybe there will be more rain. After seeing Dr. Melanie yesterday I have a professionally wrapped ankle which is just sprained, not broken. However, I need to stay off my feet for a while. My kind neighbor Donna took KoKo for a walk this morning, between raindrops and another neighbor has offered for tomorrow. I can't quite get comfortable to work on the laptop with my leg up on a chair, so I will figure out how to do it in the recliner. Doc says I will have to limit activity for three weeks! Not a chance. I will try, but have places to go and things to do. After Covid isolation I need to continue to grow my going and doing, can't fall back into the void.
Friday Food.....I do like to try new foods and sometimes find a favorite, but rambutans is not one of those. Frieda's is a company that offers many different "exotic" foods from around the world. I bought these at TJoe's a few weeks ago. I've seen them before and wondered, but never yielded to temptation. Very expensive - about 10 in a plastic carton for around $5.