I have received complaints! Well, just a few. But I have wondered if anyone is still reading this blog which I haven't posted since the 5th! I will post for a few days and see if anyone comments or otherwise indicates they are checking in.
About a week ago I went to Dana Point for the Surfside QGuild board meeting. It is about 10am until Noon and I need some sustenance before the hour plus drive home. I swung through the nearby Starbucks, parked in the first row handicap parking at Doheny Beach and watched the beach goers while I ate. So interesting to see the loads of paraphernalia those beach lovers carried down to the sand. Lots of surfers in the water and on the beach. I know that there are teachers with student surfers, but also singles and pairs, families, old people and even a few dogs on leashes.
There is a lifeguard station and just to the left a volleyball net.
The grassy area at lower left is marsh grass and a small pond. Egrets flew in and out, but I wasn't fast enough with my cell phone to catch any of them. The dark area at lower right is my sideview mirror.
They have set up their umbrellas and even small tents, coolers, picnic baskets, and beach chairs. The bird in the sky is a brown pelican. |
A guy (left) and a gal haul their surfboards down to the water.
The sandy path goes down a little slope and then up again to the actual beach. The guy is loaded down with beach chairs strapped on his back and totes in either hand. She carries the umbrella and has a tote bag in front of her. Whew!
I am parked in the shade under the eucalyptus trees and there is just a gentle breeze off the ocean. Lovely day.
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