Showing posts with label Gloria Loughman. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gloria Loughman. Show all posts

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Gloria Loughman W/S 10-07-09

I spent the day (10am - 4pm) in a workshop with Gloria Loughman. It was an unexpected opportunity, so I didn't have a lot of time to gather together materials. However, I thought that even unprepared was better than not going at all! I don't take a lot of one day workshops because I feel that I don't get a lot out of them. I'm rather slow witted and it doesn't take long for my brain to lag behind whatever point the teacher is making. But I can plod along!

Gloria Loughman pinning something on the wall. Gloria is an Australian on an extended teaching teaching trip that started in Scotland and will take her home early next week. I always admire traveling teachers, they have to be very organized and very adaptable to keep up with the grueling schedules they keep.

Nancy Ota cuts fabric to paint for the background of her class project.

Gloria talks to student Lauretta Crites about the colors she might use for her background.

This is the demo that Gloria did for painting a background using "Hi Strike" (I think I have that right) paints she carried with her from Australia. She said they are similar to Setacolor and can be used in sun printing.

"Rain Forest" teacher's sample for her three day class. Quite a bit of painting in this project and also some thread painting.

Another class sample (in progress) - a bit more complex than the one day class.

The students had a choice of two projects - palm trees .....

Or Baobab trees. Top left is Sharon Whalen's (love those 'hot' trees), third down on left is mine, second down on right is Nancy Ota's. It is always interesting to see students work pinned up together on the wall. The different color selections make each piece very individual.
It was a good workshop and Gloria kept it moving, letting slower students catch up as best as they could, but she was there to help out for any problems or questions. I have seen her quilts in books and magazines and on exhibit at Pacific Int'l Quilt Festival in Santa Clara. She has a book out, which I purchased and have not had time to even look inside! But I did buy a copy for her to sign and for me to learn more of her techniques. It was a good day, but I came home exhausted and had to have a nap.
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