Showing posts with label Giny Dixon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Giny Dixon. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

PIQF 2011 10-17-11

I drove home from San Juan Bautista today - it was an easy drive with light traffic and not too warm.  It was six hours with a stop for gas/Starbucks and a pit stop.  I made it here before the "rush hour" traffic, unloaded and returned the rental van, picked up the Lexus, returned home and took a nice long nap.  More about van rental later. 
About the pictures...   I take pictures of quilts that I like or think are interesting, but I also take some that I think will interest friends and some that have unusual or original techniques.  Going to any quilt show is an educational experience for me, so I spend a lot of time looking closely at the quilts.  Which is why nobody wants to tag along, I take too long! 
If you want to see more of a quilter's work you should first check the sidebar to see if I have posted their names.  Then Google the name followed by "quilt" to find references that are online elsewhere.

This is just a sweet quilt that incorporates a memory fabric to make it special to the maker.  The swirly background is a step above the usual meandering stipple that adds a lot of character. 
Nancy is a dear friend who makes truly wonderful quilts - this is the second I have posted this year.  It is so bright with perfect value steps in the colors.  Notice those little colored dots that pull the color into the black and white. I can hear someone saying "those are places to rest your eyes"!

Jan made the prize winning quilt of Audrey Hepburn that I posted yesterday.  She has done a great job with this realistic iguana.  The leaves and Juan's tail overlapping the inner border create great depth.

Juan's crest is truly 3-D.

This quilt (and many others) has two labels because it was part of the main PIQF competition exhibit and also of the Special Exhibit of Quilts of NCalifornia.   I usually don't show both labels, but in this case they give entirely different information.  The color in my pictures is not true, but the best of the five full images I took.  The sky is actually more peach than yellow.  It is a very beautiful quilt, perhaps my favorite in this exhibit.

Notice the orange line between the hills and the sky - it makes a visual accent for the colors of each.

I think that one of the reasons the reflections look so real is that the black "poles" don't fit perfectly over the light colored reflection.  The little spaces at the ends create the hovering effect that real reflections have.

Great color in this quilt and interesting stitched outlines.  On my Pfaff 1222E, which is not a computerized machine, I can use up to DMC Perle #5 on the top so I don't need to work from the back.  One advantage to have a thirty year old machine!

Click photo for enlargement.

Very simple, very graphic - this is a memory quilt that will endure for several lifetimes and still be "new".

Another quilt from the talented Aileyn, a friend from Empty Spools Seminars at Asilomar.

Jean is Aileyn's sister and I also know her from Empty Spools Seminars.  They both do very nice work in  entirely different styles.  This quilt has a wooden "doohickey" just like on a real sailboat. 
Blogger will let me post only a limited number of images all together, then I have to add them one at a time, which takes forever.  Maybe tomorrow I will post several pages, so be sure to move down when you reach the bottom of a post. 
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