Showing posts with label Gillian B. Moss. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gillian B. Moss. Show all posts

Monday, August 21, 2023

12X12 Quilts in the Thomas Contemporary Quilt Collection. 4 08-21-23

Although I love flowers, for some unknown reason I don't buy many flowered quilts. Here a re a  few that vary greatly in the techniques used.  I do  look for a variety of techniques and styles when  I  am adding quilts to the Collection.  Especially so with the 12X12 pieces.   Here  we have embroidery,  fusing, beading, cut and rearrange, and hand applique. 

"Fantastical Garden'   Gillian B. Moss - La Jolla, CA  2012  12X12
Lovely soft colors of thread against a screen printed square with holes left for the hand stitched flowers.  Straight stitches, cross stitches, back stitches, stem stitches, running stitches, fly stitches, single chain stitches - done in perle cotton and sewing cotton threads.

Cotton fabrics. Fused, machine applique and quilting.
Cute machine stitched June bugs are in the upper left quadrant.

"Gold Scarab"   Thom  Adkins  2010   12X12
Thom is known for the elaborate beading on his quilts.

"Ode to a Cabbage Rose"  C. Terry Meyer - Espanola, NM  2011 12"x12"
Cotton fabrics, metallic gold thread.  Machine reverse applique, machine quilting. 
It appears that Terry made nine blocks (there are nine 'surface' fabrics) and then cut them into fourths and recombined them to make four patches.  The edges of the patches are butted together and stitched with mono filament.
"Calla Lily"  Aileyn Renli Ecob - California  2010  12"X12"
Cotton fabrics. Fabric  pen. Hand applique,  Hand quilted.
Aileyn does the most exquisite hand work of anyone I know.

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Sunday, February 26, 2023

Gillian Moss quilt in Thomas Contemporary Quilt Collection 02-26-23

This quilt of fantastical flowers made in 2012 is very current because hand embroidery seems to be the "in" thing right now: Gillian was ten years ahead of the trend.  Lovely soft colors of thread against a screen printed square.  She made a good choice to use the same fabric for binding to blend in with the background.  The flowers seem ready to float off into the air.  

"Fantastical Garden"  Gillian Moss - La Jolla, CA  2012  
12" x 12"  Screen printing, hand embroidered, hand quilted.

Gillian says this piece started out as a pure experiment as she was thinking of doing something for the SAQA online auction. She worked on it in the evening while her husband watched TV and it became a special quilt with the colors and the thoughts that accompanied her stitching.


Many different colors of thread used and a signature done with fabric marker.

The screened background in green and blue allows areas for the flowers to bloom.

Straight stitches, cross stitches, back stitches, stem stitches, running stitches, fly stitches, single chain stitches - done in perle cotton and sewing cotton threads.

Gillian does very even, elegant stitching.

And she is not afraid to show the back of her emroidery work - hurrah, Gillian.


On her label she uses a hand cut stamp of a house resembling her home in Dublin, Ireland and hand prints the information needed - including her website URL.  A way for people interested in her work to contact her.
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Monday, September 23, 2019

Quilts from the SAQA online auction 09-23-19

The second (of three) week of the Studio Art Quilt Associates online auction started today.  I had some winning bids last week and the quilts have already arrived on my doorstep.  They are very efficient with that.  I made a list of all the quilts I might be interested in, but need to wait until the price goes down.  They start out at $750 the first day and decrease to $100 on the last day.  So, sometimes I lose out on a quilt I like a lot, but just don't have the funds these days.   Look over the offerings, you could find something you love!
Then click on section two for this week's offerings. .

Here is an addition to the "Birds" section of TCQC.
"The Kotare" [Kingfisher] Marilyn Clark - New Zealand  2019 12"X 12"
Raw edge applique. Cotton fabric, batik and netting. Free motion quilting with a stationery machine. Aurifil cotton thread, cotton batting and canvas for stability.

 I'm always open for flowers - we call this Mexican Bird of Paradise. Different techniques than anything in the Collection so far. 
"A Little Pride of Barbados"  Mary Ann Vaca-Lambert 2019  12" X 12"
Techniques: hand drawing and free motion quilting.
Materials: Inktense pencils, textile medium, cotton fabric, thread, and batting.

 The picture on the auction page is a lot "mistier" than this one I took at home.
Again a different technique.  
"Misty" Annette Boncek  2019  12"X 12"
Gelliprints, Inktense pencils pieced and appliqué, free motion and hand stitched
Batik fabric border, Black netting, interfacing

Such an original design.  Love the hexie fabric in the upper right, under the bees. Nice hand embroidery with different colored threads.  
"Buzz, Buzz, Buzz"  Gillian Moss - California  2019
Machine pieced, hand embroidered and appliqued. Lots of cotton, linen and silk scraps and lots of looking at the piece, deciding what to do next!

I like to add quilts to the  Collection that include different techniques.  Someday I would like to do an exhibit that is just one long, horizontal line of 12" X12" quilts with placards explaining the different techniques used.  

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Sunday, December 30, 2012

Embroidered quilt from Gillian Moss in TCQC 12-30-12

Here is another of the quilts I purchased from the SAQA online auction in October.  This quilt is so different from anything else I have seen lately that I felt it need to be in the Collection.

"Fantastical Garden"  Gillian Moss - La Jolla, CA  2012  12" x 12"
Screen printing, hand embroidered, hand quilted.
Gillian says this piece started out as a pure experiment as she was thinking of doing something for the SAQA online auction. She worked on it in the evening while her husband watched TV and it became a special quilt with the colors and the thoughts that accompanied her stitching.


Many different colors of thread used and a signature done with fabric marker.

The screened background in green and blue allows areas for the flowers to bloom.


Straight stitches, cross stitches, back stitches, stem stitches, running stitches, fly stitches, single chain stitches - done in perle cotton and sewing cotton threads.

Gillian does very even, elegant stitching.


And she is not afraid to show the back of her work - hurrah, Gillian.


On her label she uses a hand cut stamp of a house resembling her home in Dublin, Ireland and hand prints the information needed - including her website URL.  A way for people interested in her work to contact her.

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Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Quilt Festival - Long Beach 08-01-11

I don't remember in past years a Special Exhibit of quilts with text on them, but I don't remember a lot of things these days.  I enjoyed this exhibit and am intrigued by the way the artists used the text to develop their idea.  

This beautifully made quilt definitely deserved better lighting.  The stem stitched used for the text is perfect

There are many fascinating details and the pastel swirlies give just the hint of color needed.

I have not always been a fan of Therese May.  I don't know how many years (decades) ago she broke all the rules and starting putting paint on her quilts - puff paint!  Horrors!  As a traditional quilter I was quite honestly appalled.  But as she has developed her style over the years it has grown on me (and a lot of other people with more art "taste" than I have) and now I enjoy her quilts very much.  On top of that I have myself used puff paint on quilts!  If it gives the effect the artist is looking for, perhaps anything goes. 

With the exception of the square in the middle, the entire surface of this quilt has om-ma written in puff paint.  It gives a rich, baroque look to the surface and draws viewers in to see the details.

The center is like an entirely different work of art, although a few "om ma"s sneak in.  The little dots that look like regularly spaced beads are all puff paint and the "eyes" are made of polymer clay. 
The dots along the left edge are actual beads sewn on.

A lot of thought and a lot of work went into this fascinating statement about the vagaries of truth.

Between the horizontal sections are dowels - painted and imprinted with "read between the lines".

Each of these op art squares (from Lunn Studios, I think) has a stitched saying.  This one is "Promise Me".

"Liar, Liar, Pants On Fire"

Deb and Kris are a creative partnership that zings with new ideas and ways to apply images to fiber.  At the SAQA conference in Denver I enjoyed a very short introduction to their class on Photoshopping images for quilts.  I hope to someday take one of their classes - maybe they will set fire to my creative spirit.

These are not individual strips of fabric, but strips of text that have been been combined, Photoshopped and printed in groups on fabric.  Very effective.
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