I decided that I would just pick anything to sew. Not worry about how it might fit unto the "agenda" of what is important. First I mended some undies, about a ten minute task. Yes, I do mending, it is just part of my DNA I guess - I have just always done it, by hand or machine.
Then I took off the shelf a box with small quilts I purchased at the 2015 SAQA conference in Portland, OR. There is always a written bid auction at the conferences and I do enjoy the action at those auctions. So, I bid all over the place and came home with a dozen 8" X 6" lovely pieces for the Thomas Contemporary Quilt Collection. Each one is a little jewel and came with a white mat making them about 10" X 8". But I don't want framed pieces, so I removed the mats. Nothing was ever said about finishing the edges of the little works of art, so some have very raggedy edges. It has taken me all these years to find time to tidy up the edges and mostly do a tiny zigzag around each one. Some are very nicely finished and don't require anything more. These four are complete as is. But all the others need a little tidying.