Showing posts with label Gardening. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gardening. Show all posts

Saturday, February 26, 2022

Rosebush 02-26-22

Thirty-five years ago when we moved into this house we re-landscaped the yard.  There were a few roses and we added a dozen more.  I enjoyed the roses and spent time keeping them in good shape.  But after Floyd died I suddenly lost any interest in the yard.  Which was a surprise because I had always longed to have a garden and lots of roses.  I always grew tomatoes, even when I lived in an apartment - I found a way!  So, the roses slowly died and I haven't planted tomatoes for a decade at least.  

i don't know the name of this rose, it is a bush type and was here when we moved in.  When the buds open they are this dusty pink, tinting to lavendar.  But as they open they become more pink until fully open they are a very bright, dark pink.  

Here is the bush, healthy and full of blooms in 2010.  The block wall is 7 feet tall, so you can see it is a very large bush. 

But I have neglected it  - no fertilizer, not enough water, no annual trimming.  Just pitiful.  I decided to prune it back and cut out the suckers, hoping I could get it into good shape again.  I started on the left side and cut away about a third of the overgrowth.  But I am not strong enough to use the loppers on the thick stems.  Fortunately a lady ;posted on Next Door that she prunes roses and fruit trees.  I contacted her and she came to do the job yesterday.   I had sent her this picture so she would know what she was getting into.  

She filled two huge trash bins.  This looks pathetic, but it is much healthier than it was when she started.  She did a very good job using her electric garden saw along with clippers and loppers.  I hope I can get the mow/blow gardener to dig a trench around it to keep the grass out and the water in!  
I propped the yardstick on the right to show how tall it is now -about 50", I think.  I hope Suzanne is available next Jan/Feb to shape it up again.  

Suzanne works in north Orange County.  Contact: 714-595-7990

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