Once in a while I have the urge to drift back in time and have breakfast at a sort of old fashioned "CAFE" (see that in neon). That means "Paul's Country Kitchen", which used to be the Two Sisters Cafe, in Placentia. Since it changed hands there is new paint and some decor, but basically it is the same cafe it has been for the thirty plus years I have lived here. And is so much like cafes I have visited across the country and, of course, during my childhood all those years ago. My favorite in Portland, OR, was Buttermilk Corner in downtown, a rare, but wonderful treat.
Paul's serves the usual cafe breakfasts. This time I had two enormous pancakes, two over-easy eggs, two slices of crisp bacon, and about three cups of coffee w/cream. I can never finish the pancakes which cover the standard dinner plate and they always ask if I want a takeout box and I want to say in a shocked tone " doggy bag pancakes -yuck!", but I just say "no thank you". They are very good, but I doubt that would carry over into my microwave! Besides I would have to provide the syrup.