I know that I would not take a regular, daily walk If it weren't for KoKo. We used to go further, but with my sciatica problems I have a time limit of about half an hour. Just enough to go one loop around the neighborhood. Besides the physical exercise we see our neighbors and KoKo receives lots of patting and gives a lot of licks (bare toes in sandals!}. I stretch my brain trying to remember the names of plants, birds, and the people we met. I need the human contact, no matter how slight, and I think KoKo does also. There are even a few dogs KoKo will tolerate, as long as they aren't very much larger than he is. With regular walking we discover changes and improvements, see what is blooming, and pick up bits of trash along the way, especially pieces of plastic.
Difficult to take a picture, I will try again when the light is different.