Showing posts with label Beth Miller. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Beth Miller. Show all posts

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Re-visiting a quilt by Beth Miller of Austrlia 11-10-19

I know I haven't posted the rest of the quilts from the SAQA auction, but I will try to do it next Sunday.  Life has sort of gotten away from me this last month. 

Australian quilt in TCQC 01-15-17

This quilt was part of the Long Beach quilt show in 2009.  It immediately reminded me of a trip to Australia I took in 1972 where I saw sunsets like this one and baobab trees in silhouette.  And, of course, orange is one of my favorite colors.  So, I bought it. 
Kimberly Sunset  Beth Miller - Australia 2006 32"W x 50"L
Fused raw edge applique, machine quilted.

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Sunday, January 15, 2017

Australian quilt in TCQC 01-15-17

This quilt was part of the Long Beach quilt show in 2009.  It immediately reminded me of a trip to Australia I took in 1972 where I saw sunsets like this one and baobab trees in silhouette.  And, of course, orange is one of my favorite colors.  So, I bought it. 
Kimberly Sunset  Beth Miller - Australia 2006 32"W x 50"L
Fused raw edge applique, machine quilted.

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Monday, October 12, 2015

More quilts from Oasis quilt show 10-12-15

Here are eight more quilts from Oasis.  It is sometimes hard to decide what to photograph and I have become more discerning as I age and no longer try to take a picture of every quilt.  Some I take because of the wondrous work(wo)manship, some for the color, some for the subject and some because I want to show them to a quilting friend.  It is important to give credit to the artist and I rarely show a quilt without attribution.

This quilt is Best of Country for Israel.
I've taken pictures of Maya's quilts at other shows.  Check for her name on the side bar.


Simplicity, but it still looks like buildings


There always seems to be one really different quilt in these big shows.  This one cried out to be played with and when I walked past it on Saturday someone had poked in some of the cones.  Just couldn't resist, I guess.

Below is a side view - the cones are about 18" long. 

This is a datura which is closely related to brugmansia/Angel's Trumpet.
These flowers point up while brugmansia hangs down.


This quilt is the Best of Country for South Africa.  Fabulous quilting, but it kind of died on a background of the black backdrop.  Trapunto.


I'm always hooked by a bird quilt and this large image of a peewee is very nicely done.

This quilt received an Honorable Mention in the Traditional category.


I do not  care for the "Rainbow Goddess", but the background is truly amazing.  Such delicate images, very realistically done.

The crocodile whose tail becomes a river and a seahorse within a wave.

Kangaroo, meerkats, lion, turtle, polar bear, and some kind of antelope.
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Monday, September 28, 2009

TCQC quilt - Another Sunset 09-27-09

"Kimberley Sunset" Beth Miller 2006 31"W x 50"L (Canberra, Australia)
Fused applique, machine quilted. On holiday in the Kimberley region Beth took many photographs and based this design on one of them. She says, "During the North Australian wet season the spectacular Kimberley sunset silhouettes the squat, bloated shape of the baobab tree which appears to guard the vast landscape like a sentinel."
I purchased this quilt at Quilt Festival - Long Beach in July 2009, so you may remember it from the pictures I posted back then. I was so impressed with the flaming sunsets when I was in Australia decades ago that I remember them well.
I didn't realize how difficult it would be to photograph this quilt with the screaming background and the dark tree.
I faded this image out a bit so the quilting could be seen.
You can see more of Beth's work on her website:
Beth's work can also be seen on the tACTile website:
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Friday, August 7, 2009

Quilt Festival LBeach #9 posted 07-06-09

This quilt is an attention grabber just because of the intensity of the color.

And it is not as unreal as it may seem. This is exactly the sky I see in my mind when I think of my month in Australia in 1972. I didn't see Baobab trees - just a bare tree silhouetted against the sunset sky. A truly amazing sight, I almost expected such a sky to make a noise.

Beth Miller's quilts are on her website:

So you remember this quilt from Quilt Festival 2008? It has since appeared in Quilting Arts Magazine.

It is so imaginative and has such crisp detail.

This year Kathy York showed this quilt - imaginative and much attention to detail.

But oh-so different. It caught my eye from across the room!

She has used the many fabrics to create a rich color and texture. I admire the satin stitch edging between the main colors - something more to see when you get up close.

If you Google "Kathy York" quilts you will get quite a listing. Her Flicker stream is: and includes a number of quilts. She also has a blog about her Journal Quilts:
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