Annette Friedlein receive the magazine page on the left - her abstraction on the right.
Annette Friedlein larger work.
Annette Friedlein's inspiration at top, her abstraction at bottom
Annette's further abstractions of the flower image.
On the left the magazine picture and Barbara Friedman's abstraction on the right.
Barbara's inspiration for these four small studies was in a book and I didn't get a photo. I believe it was a picture of large stones.
This was Barbara's inspiration for a larger work. The top is a photo, the bottom a Xerox copy that she has divided into a grid.
Here is Barbara's abstraction of the photo above.
Cheryl Wood's inspiration is at the top left, with her five abstractions.
Cheryl's magazine image at left and her abstraction on the right.
Cheryl Wood's large piece - an abstraction of her cabin inspiration.
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