This morning I went to Best Buy in Portland to talk to the Geek Squad, stood in line for about half an hour (did you know you can make an appointment?) and set my non-working laptop on the counter. Told the guy it would only show a blue screen. He opened it up, turned it on and it came on! He had me put in my password and pulled up a few things, then repeated this three times. Off and on perfectly and not a twinkle of a solid blue screen. He said it probably just got jostled in traveling and decided to not work for a while. Hmph! So, I went off happy, if feeling foolish, because I did have it on every evening for the last three and could not get it to work. Bummer.
Tonight I am at Bayberry House in Boothbay Harbor main. It is a lovely B&B, I'd recommend it to anyone, even if we haven't had breakfast yet! Andrea, Karen and I went to dinner at the Tale of the Whale, which seems to be a local favorite. I had the seafood pie, which is like chicken pot pie except it has shrimp, lobster, haddock, potatoes, instead of chicken. It was delicious and I have some leftover for lunch tomorrow. Andrea and Karen went right to bed, but I can't eat a big dinner and go to bed without having a terrific stomach ache. So, I have been working on the pictures I've taken over the last few days. Tonight I will give you those from today - from Portland, ME, to Boothbay Harbor, ME.
There isn't much to see along the way because the trees grow close up to the road. Then there will be a little village with either wood or brick buildings, some obviously quite old. The architecture is very plain.
Many of the building appear to have been added on to at some time. The front of this house is to the right. From this side view I believe you can see the original house on the right and the rear addition on the left.
Wonder why they built these so close together - looks like S.California.
Maine has a terrifically long coast if you count all the bays and peninsulas - in and out
To get to Boothbay Harbor you drive a long road almost to the point.
To get to Boothbay Harbor you drive a long road almost to the point.
These may be peninsulas or islands, lots of little wooded islands.
But mostly as you drive along you see trees on both sides of the road. It seems that if the verge on either side and the median, if there is one, will grow up in trees very quickly if they are not regularly mowed. So, signs saying "Mowing Operations" and, of course, the mowers are very common.
So, when you come to a place where the trees are crowding the road you know there is a place that receives regular cutting of grass, weeds, and tress. This one is a...........
.......cemetery, one of many along the way.
This pasture has a low spot where the water has collected and the trees have died - guess one could say they drowned. I saw a number of these dead spots along I-90 through up sate New York.
I'll have to find time to sort through the pictures and present an album of my travels over the days of the dead computer.
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