Showing posts with label Art Stream. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Art Stream. Show all posts

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Art Stream meeting 06-08-24

I drove to San Diego this morning for a meeting of an art quilt group I belong to  - "Art Stream".  There are six in the group, all of them live in the San Diego area. I am the only "outlier" with my two to  three hour drive down about every other month. We meet in member's homes, except for when it is my turn and I find a place down there to accommodate us. We usually have an assignment, all of which we choose at the beginning of the year.  Therefore we can get started  anytime on  any of the projects.   Somehow I never do that and am frequently unfinished or even just lacking.  Don't know why  they put up with  me.   This month the subject was  "Cut-it-up", using an unsuccessful previous work or parts rescued from UFOs, Everyone had a different idea so it was an interesting discussion. 

My incomplete project  was  using the cut offs from trimming previous quilts, I have a large box of them saved over the years. Also including some I have rescued from fellow students trash bags.  The black represents  the black already quilted pieces that  I  have cut to  "sash" the blocks.  The pieces are butted edge to  edge  and  zigzagged a la Paula Kovarick. 

"D" created a background of gently curved strips, which  she but into wide slashes and then fused this  fantastic fused bird.  Love those  blue mum  petals for wings.

"JWT" experimented with raw edge rectangles arranged on a background of similar prints and quilted with meandering vine like lines. It gives a soft meadow feeling.

"N" used a quilt with abstract appliqued forms that she never thought worked.  She arranged  various colored triangles over the previous applique and heavily over-quilted with more vertical lines.  The different widths of spacing makes a great texture.

"A" started out with a  strip woven background she bought long ago at a quilter's sale.  She had some large flowers from other fabric which she cut and fused along  with  the vase shape.  The  texture was lovely, but she found the heavy thickness  difficult to sew through.  

"E",  as usual had a beautiful complete quilt.  She does exemplary hand work and there is a lot of that on this piece.  Cut out flowers, fantasy flowers, leaves, squiggles, and vines, along with  just on folded rose bud, are  applied to a fabric printed with tiny  dots.  

It was a lovely meeting and so interesting to learn from each others experiments,  decision making process, and how they solved the problems they encountered. 

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Sunday, October 1, 2023

Another Miscellaneous 10-01-23

On Saturday I dropped KoKo off with Nancy Ota in San Clemente and drove to San  Diego for the meeting of the Art Stream group.  We had the  meeting in the classroom at Rosie's Quilt  Shop which also gave us an opportunity to shop.  It is the largest quilt shop remaining in Southern  California,  but it is more than a two hour drive for me, so I don't go  there very often.  Great place for a meeting  - lots of tables and pin-able walls, with a good Mexican restaurant next door.  We are only six members now, which is a nice size for most homes and makes for more cohesive conversations.   We do have Show and Tell, but I don't have  permission to post that  part  on my blog.  

It was rather a surprise there was rain both going and returning.  Not a steady rain, but periods of misting and periods of really coming down.  Slowed traffic, but the traffic was light for a Saturday so it sort of evened the timing out. 

There were Nelda and Deb and Andrea and Judy and me (no picture).
Ellen is vacationing. 

After enjoying lunch at the restaurant next door we honored all the fall birthdays with a delicious chocolate cake topped with fruit on little clouds of icing.  Delicious. 

By the time the meeting was over I was too tired to do much shopping, but I looked for a bit and only purchased a yard of each of these fabrics.  The bottom piece is actually a much brighter green, but you all have probably seen it in many different shades.  

I stopped in San Clemente to collect KoKo, who always enjoys a day with Nancy. When we got home we took a little nap (KoKo and Froggy on my lap) and then  went to bed early.  That two-plus hours each way really wipes me out these days, but being with such compatible friends is worth it!

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Monday, August 21, 2023

Miscellaneous 08-20-23

It has been a very active week and I have not had the energy to even think about my blog.  So much going on in addition to our normal schedule.  Today, as I'm sure you know, we have had heavy rain and this evening  the strong wind came up. No problems that I know of, but I do have ponds in both front and back yards. They will be gone when the rain stops.  There are adequate drains with normal rain, but when we have a deluge the water just backs up. 

Our park is being renovated to provide more activities which I hope are not too noisy.  On Friday and Saturday there were about18 guys out there pouring and  smoothing the cement which was piped in from the revolving trucks at least a 100 feet away.  I believe they were trying to get it all poured and smoothed to benefit from the rain to help set it.  They have been working on the "frames" and foundation for a couple weeks.  The green at the bottom of the image is a mesh material on the chain link fence to help control the dust.  It runs right along the top of the flood control channel.  

KoKo's friend Bun-Bun, one of three Bijons in the neighborhood, returned from the  boarding place where she stayed for a month while her family vacationed.  They were very happy to see each other and wove a net with leashes trying to smell every part of each other.  This is about the only dog KoKo tolerates.  Sam and Mary walk the dog but I have never met the mother. 

On Wednesday I drove to Claremont,CA.,for the monthly  Book Group meeting.  One of our members relocated there several years ago and she drives down for our meetings which are now at 11:30am, bring your own lunch.  So, occasionally we carpool up to her house.  The  book  was  Hamnet by Maggie O’Farrell.

Yesterday, Saturday,  I  drove to San Diego for the meeting of the Art Stream  group.  Our design challenge  was Connections and because I am such a sloth these days I did not have mine finished - only about 2/3's done.  However, others were more diligent.  Please don't pass these pictures on to anyone. 

Nelda's connection is the bridge on Highway One near Big Sur.  Great piece with a gorgeous bridge and amazing sky. 12X12

Andrea didmany connections in a rich autumnal palette.
Maybe 18X20

Ellen has been experimenting with various dyeing techniques, this one is an ice dye. 

This beautiful water-looking piece is done with arashi shibori. 

  The traffic both going and returning was generally light for a Saturday on the I-5, but still a bit of a slog.  KoKo  spent the day with Nancy Ota  and  when I picked him up she and I had a cup of tea and a short visit.  He loves being with her, but when I  show up he immediately latches on to me.

He might be a tiny bit spoiled.

Today wasaday of rest, which I REALLY needed.

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Monday, June 5, 2023

Return from San Diego (06-03-23) 06-05-23

The drive to San Diego on Friday afternoon is always slow and I expected it, so I didn't get uptight and other drivers seem to take it in stride.  There are always one or two maniacs that just jockey from lane to lane to get ahead.  All that does is slow traffic even more.  My average speed was 24mph, but, of course, that was an average between dead stop and 80mph.  It took three hours.  

I  checked into  HIE-Old Town, my usual stopping place, and Beth  picked me up to go to dinner at Jimmy's Famous American Tavern right on the water, but we sat  inside out of the wind.  The French Dip was delicious, the first  I have had in years, it came with house made chips (no sulfites), and an Arnold Palmer to drink.   Interesting  to watch the customers, I just don't get out much any more!   

Ouside in the breeze  way was  this  wonderful  fully blooming vine.  Looks like  honeysuckle, but I've never seen such huge blooms or leaves.  Not terribly fragrant. 

I was  early to bed in the firm center  of the king sized bed with my earplugs in.  Can never sleep on either side of those big beds because they are all broken down.  My other option is to sleep crosswise across the foot part of the  mattress.  My preference would be a recliner and I understand  that some motels offer rooms so equipped.  I'll have to check around. 

On Saturday morning off to pick up Andrea and Deb and drive to Jamul, which is southeast of San  Diego, for the Art Stream meeting.  There were only five of the eight members, but that gave us all more talking time!!  We do an "assignment"  at each  live meeting and this month it was trees.  I didn't ask if I could post anyone's work, so I am just showing mine.  It is obviously not finished - just the fusing is done.  It is an abstract of a forest and I am still debating how to add some foliage.  The color in this image is rather darker than  reality  and  I don't know how to fix that.  Sorry. 

There will be smooth outside edges, probably faced.  

After the meeting and lunch I headed home in medium traffic, some  fast, some  slow and picked up KoKo at Nancy's about 3pm. Then another hour home.  Of course, we both needed a nap before putting things away.  And the  discovery that I don't have my datebook/calendar.  It has disappeared and I am  completely  in the dark about any dates or appointments I have for the rest of my life!!  It  is  a horrible feeling to not know what tomorrow, or tomorrow, or tomorrow or.....   will bring!  I have started a list as I remember things (like my 3pm doctor visit tomorrow, which I called to confirm), but there are notes and phone numbers I will not be able to recall.  I have never switched to keeping a calendar on my cell phone - in case I lose it!!!  This has been very stressful and I feel unconnected to my own world. I have never been one to lose things, but guess I screwed up this time.  Woe is I!

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Wednesday, October 13, 2021

ArtStream quilts at PIQF 10-13-21

Here are the quilts as displayed at PIQF - in a good L-shaped spot at the end of an aisle. The title of our exhibit is "Patterns of Nature".  The quilts are approximately 36"W X 48"L.

"Sea Flora" - Ellen Spellman      "Himalayan Poppies" - Nelda McConb

"Welcome Home" - Del Thomas      "Sun Seeker"- Judy Warren-Tippets

"Kaleidoscope" -Carol Sebastian Neeley      "Tabby Variations" - Deb MacKay

They did not have all the lights turned up full blast, so the true colors don't show here.  I will do new pictures when I go up on Sunday.  

The motel manager did find a sturdy folding table that is about 32" X 48" and a chair of a good height, so tomorrow I can set up and maybe get some sewing done.   Dinner tonight of a hard boiled egg, broccoli with olive oil/balsamic, and the rest of Starbuck's lemon loaf from this A.M. A delicious dinner!

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Sunday, June 27, 2021

Traveling 06-27-21

Today was another face-to-face meeting of the art quilt group and I made a weekend of it.  I dropped KoKo with his kind keepers, Cherie and Jim, and drove down Saturday morning.  With one thing and another I didn't leave until 10:30am and the traffic was horrible.  The drive was three hours and twenty minutes, instead of the average two hours.  We just crept along and crept along - I rarely got up to 30 miles an hour.  VERY difficult.  And when I arrive at Visions Art Museum I discovered that they close on Saturday at 2pm.  I had about 20 minutes to look at the exhibits.  Not enough time, but I'm glad I was able to see them in-the-fabric (instead of online).  Showing until July 3rd are "Deed Not Words", quilts about woman's struggles; a one woman exhibit of Jill Kerttula's amazing photographic quilts; and a small showing of cyanotype pieces by Hillary Waters Fayle.  So little time and I took no photos.  Go see the exhibits before July 3rd..

Cars creeping along beside me, in front of me and behind me.  Grrrrr.

When going so slow there is a bit of time to see the surf in several places along I-5.  This is one where the white line of gentle waves shows just beyond the greenish weeds. 

I met my friend Beth Smith for lunch at Solare, almost next door to VAM.  It was so special to eat there again after at least a year and a half.  And the food was delicious and presented so nicely.  This is Beth's beet salad.  

The curled "towers" are cucumber slices.  

I had the mixed seafood/veggie plate with shrimp and calamari - "Frittura di Pesce all'Italiana".  Not as elegant looking as Beth's salad, but oh-so-good.  No dessert.   But we had a great visit sitting on a bench in the shade beside VAM.  Wonderful weather. 

I stayed with the hostess overnight and we had a lot of inspired show and tell at the art qroup meeting this morning before our box lunches.   We are working on quilts for a special exhibit at PIQF in October.  Hope it works out. 

Traffic wasn't too bad coming home, so I picked up KoKo about 4pm.  After I put most everything away we had a little nap.   It was a lovely weekend, but tiring.  I need to work harder at rebuilding some strength - PTherapy on Wednesday. 

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Saturday, May 1, 2021

Traveling tomorrow! 05-01-21

I'll be driving to San Diego tomorrow for the second in person meeting with the art quilters.  I have wondered if I could do it because the darn sciatica has come back.  But I have been taking it easy, taking pills, and doing specific exercises and it isn't quite as painful as it was earlier in the week.   KoKo will visit Nancy and Bud in San Clemente and I will pick him up on the way home.  Can't leave him home alone for the six plus hours I will be gone.  

I've always wanted a yellow car!  But this is definitely not mine!  I probably couldn't even get the clutch engaged!   But I do see this sort of vehicle while driving I-5 to San Diego.  Along with LOTS of Teslas.  Don't know why they are so popular with people who drive LA to SDiego.  I guess if one has a good charge one can drive down and back without stopping.  

Anyway, it promises to be nice weather and not too hot.  

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Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Back on my laptop again. 04-07-21

It has been a struggle, but after much gnashing of teeth and many hours of hither and yon and lots of phone calls, I finally (I hope) have my laptop up and running.  I haven't tried everything, but the e-mail works and I seem to be able to access all the pictures.  I wish I could find someone who works with people who don't understand computers and is available most of the time.  I have had several "computer gurus" over the years, but they all go on to other jobs and don't "consult" anymore.  Now I go to Micro Center in Tustin, as I did this time, or make an appointment with the Geek Squad.  It is all so frustrating.  

Our art quilt group met "in the flesh" in SDiego on March 30th.  The first meeting since last February, although we have been ZOOMING weekly since the summer.  It was so exciting to see our friends and everyone did Show & Tell with work they have accomplished in the past year.  We have shared at our ZOOM meetings, but everything is so much better "in the fabric".  Ellen was the champion with her exacting work and everything bound and labeled.  I took the quilts I have purchased from the SAQA auction and website. I have been working on a 12X12 quilt made from scraps, but it isn't quite ready for posting.  KoKo stayed with Cherie, his lovely keeper, because I couldn't leave him alone for the eight hours I was gone.  

If that wasn't enough excitement I went out to lunch on Friday with my friend Carol.  First time since last February at one of our favorite spots, Fitness Grill in Yorba Linda.  In celebration we had dessert - chocolate "volcano" cake for Carol and limoncello cake for me -MMMMM! We enjoyed it so much we have a date for this Friday at a different place.  We have both had two vaccines, but wear our masks coming and going.  I have seen very few people without masks, guess they are wising up.

On Saturday I picked up my friend Verna so we could visit a quilt shop in Garden Grove, about a 20 minute drive.  We thought it was new, but they told us they have been there for three years!  It is a very tiny shop - five people would be crowded!   A small selection of unusual fabrics and lots of accessories and doodads.  They have two long arms which apparently keep them quite busy.  I did buy a yard of fabric and some tiny brushes to clean a machine.  It is called The Sewing Escape and is on Garden Grove Blvd, just off the 22Fwy.  

Soooo glad to be back and I have a stock of images to share.  Hope you are all well and busy and vaccinated so you can get out and about. 

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Sunday, April 7, 2019

Drive to San Diego/LaMesa 04-07-19

I drove to San Diego today for a meeting of the Art Stream art quilt group.  It was a gorgeous day with blue sky, lots of wild mustard and other flowers blooming along the way.  But I still haven't gotten help with the laptop, so I can't edit the pictures.  These are pretty bad, but would look great if I still had Picasa to make some changes.  Oh, well....

The wild mustard is the most common, blooming in valleys and hillsides, along the road, and far up to the top of the hills.  There is some lupine and in more settled areas bright pink ice plants spreads out of yards and on to the freeway verge.  

I am using my cell phone to take the pictures and have a hard time holding it with one hand and using one finger to push the button.  Hard to line anything up. 

This is not on the freeway but along Jamboree Rd where there were serious fires last year.  The clouds cover the mountains where there is still snow o the tallest peaks.  

The group meeting was productive and we are starting on our next exhibit for October 2020.  We found with the Urban Elements quilts that we need a longer lead time to finish the quilts and have them ready for showing.  The Urban Elements exhibit will go up at Visions Art Museum this next week and will open toward the end of April.  The opening reception will be May 4th, but I will still be up north after finishing my class at Empty Spools at Asilomar Conference Center, so I will miss it.

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Friday, February 1, 2019

Friday Food 02-01-19

Before I do the food I want to tell you that I finished quilting the quilt.  Enough to take a picture as required for today's deadline.  However, no binding, no label, and no sleeve.  Need to do those right away before the 'turning in the quilt' deadline arrives!   This quilt "Winter in the City", along with "Birds in the City" will hang at Visions Art Museum in San Diego as part of an exhibit by the group Art Stream.  The exhibit starts in early April and the sixteen quilts will hang in the Valya Gallery.  

When we ordered the grilled cheese sandwich we didn't realize we would get a complete meal.  There as a cup of delicious tomato/basil soup, the two halves of the grilled cheese, and a chocolate chip cookie.  Just what we needed to strengthen us for the 2+ hours home. 

Jeannine's in Montecito is very small and has outside and inside seating.  There is a double row of tables for two along one side and the other side is a luscious bakery case, the cash register and in the back the kitchen.  Very compact.  

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