It has been a struggle, but after much gnashing of teeth and many hours of hither and yon and lots of phone calls, I finally (I hope) have my laptop up and running. I haven't tried everything, but the e-mail works and I seem to be able to access all the pictures. I wish I could find someone who works with people who don't understand computers and is available most of the time. I have had several "computer gurus" over the years, but they all go on to other jobs and don't "consult" anymore. Now I go to Micro Center in Tustin, as I did this time, or make an appointment with the Geek Squad. It is all so frustrating.
Our art quilt group met "in the flesh" in SDiego on March 30th. The first meeting since last February, although we have been ZOOMING weekly since the summer. It was so exciting to see our friends and everyone did Show & Tell with work they have accomplished in the past year. We have shared at our ZOOM meetings, but everything is so much better "in the fabric". Ellen was the champion with her exacting work and everything bound and labeled. I took the quilts I have purchased from the SAQA auction and website. I have been working on a 12X12 quilt made from scraps, but it isn't quite ready for posting. KoKo stayed with Cherie, his lovely keeper, because I couldn't leave him alone for the eight hours I was gone.
If that wasn't enough excitement I went out to lunch on Friday with my friend Carol. First time since last February at one of our favorite spots, Fitness Grill in Yorba Linda. In celebration we had dessert - chocolate "volcano" cake for Carol and limoncello cake for me -MMMMM! We enjoyed it so much we have a date for this Friday at a different place. We have both had two vaccines, but wear our masks coming and going. I have seen very few people without masks, guess they are wising up.

On Saturday I picked up my friend Verna so we could visit a quilt shop in Garden Grove, about a 20 minute drive. We thought it was new, but they told us they have been there for three years! It is a very tiny shop - five people would be crowded! A small selection of unusual fabrics and lots of accessories and doodads. They have two long arms which apparently keep them quite busy. I did buy a yard of fabric and some tiny brushes to clean a machine. It is called The Sewing Escape and is on Garden Grove Blvd, just off the 22Fwy.
Soooo glad to be back and I have a stock of images to share. Hope you are all well and busy and vaccinated so you can get out and about.
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