I do love Aileyn's work, mostly done by hand, and here is another of her quilts.
This one was purchased at the SAQA online auction in October of this year.
Oak leaves in the golden autumn colors, set off by dark brown bark and still some green leaves in the background. I especially like the green fabric with the dots which adds some liveliness. The other Aileyn quilt in TCQC is a Calla Lily. I cannot find the post that shows just that quilt, but here is a picture of it and another Calla Lily quilt she showed at Pacific Int'l QFestival
It was a prize winner that year.
See more of her work at www.fiberonthewall.com

"Autumn Gold" Aileyn Renli Ecob - Walnut Creek, CA 2012 12" X 12"
Cotton Fabric and thread. Hand and machine sewing. Machine quilted. Fabric markers used.
This one was purchased at the SAQA online auction in October of this year.
Oak leaves in the golden autumn colors, set off by dark brown bark and still some green leaves in the background. I especially like the green fabric with the dots which adds some liveliness. The other Aileyn quilt in TCQC is a Calla Lily. I cannot find the post that shows just that quilt, but here is a picture of it and another Calla Lily quilt she showed at Pacific Int'l QFestival
It was a prize winner that year.
See more of her work at www.fiberonthewall.com
"Autumn Gold" Aileyn Renli Ecob - Walnut Creek, CA 2012 12" X 12"
Cotton Fabric and thread. Hand and machine sewing. Machine quilted. Fabric markers used.