Showing posts with label Ann L. Scott. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ann L. Scott. Show all posts

Sunday, September 8, 2013

12X12 quilt by Ann L. Scott in TCQC 09-08-13

At the Visions Art Museum Veranda Sale last month there were a number of 12X12 quilts that had been donated to the museum by Visions members.  Although they had all been available for purchase they weren't on permanent display.  So, I hadn't seen them prior to the Veranda Sale, I was excited to purchase some of them to add to TCQC and several as gifts for friends.  The one below I purchased just for TCQC - partially because it is painted, a technique that is not represented in my 12X12 collection.  But I also find it beautiful and in some way inspiring - "write about now"  something we should all be doing. 

Ann L. Scott's work in collaboration with her son Cameron B. Scott was shown in the Valya Gallery at VAM during the same time period as the Fashion exhibit.  Both exhibits closed August 25th.  Already hanging and continuing until October 20th is a VALYA Retrospective.  On the "challenge wall" are the member's responses to the felting challenge.

This quilt is from the Text and Texting Challenge held in 2012.

"Write About Now"  Ann L. Scott - San Diego   2012  12X12 
Whole cloth quilt, hand painted using stenciling, stamping, wet on wet, and dry brush painting techniqes.  Machine quilted.
The inspiration for this work was Ann's adult son who is a writer and artist. 

Hands are notoriously difficult to draw or paint or stitch.  Ann has done a pretty good job with these typing hands on a symbolic keyboard. 

The background of hand painted fabric is heavily machine quilted.

The back has "ghostly" hands on a backing fabric showing scattered leaves.

 The label is cursory - not enough information. 

But Ann did sign the back and include her location.  That would be some help to a person interested in locating more of Ann's work.  But an e-address, website, or phone number would help more.  Check out Ann's website:
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