Showing posts with label A Time to Sew.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label A Time to Sew.. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

"It Doesn't Matter" quilts 01-26-10

The fourth Monday of the month the "Stashbuster/Philanthropic" all day workshops are held by the Surfside Quilters Guild at "A Time To Sew" in Laguna Hills. Each month features a different project for the guild's philanthropic efforts. Not being a very prolific quilt maker I was delighted to discover I could just work on "It Doesn't Matter" quilts, or any of the other projects offered during the year. Which will allow me to finish at least one quilt before April - I hope!

I seem incapable of working on any one project at a time, so have started working on six different sets of blocks for six different quilts. Keeps me from getting tired of any one set of fabrics. This is a different set than the one I showed on my post of 01-22-10.Here I've put them up on the design wall just to see what other colors I might add - I decided to throw in some yellow and some turquoise, so each block will include fabric in those colors. When the squares have 'grown' enough I will cut them into "I.D.M." blocks and discover what results when I sew them together.

Just a closer view. And YES, I do realize that 'it doesn't matter' means not picking specific fabrics, but at this point in my life I seem to need 'unplanned random". Yes, it is an oxymoron, but life is full of those that we don't even recognize. Actually, my life is pretty much 'unplanned random' all the time!

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Sunday, November 15, 2009

Sundown - Moondance 11-14-09

When I came out of the workshop on Thursday this was the view that greeted me. This photo points NW and shows the back of Saddleback Mountain from Laguna Hills near the shop "A Time to Sew". It was quite hazy (or maybe it was fog along the coast), but high up there is a very slight pink tint to the clouds.

In only a few minutes the sun hit perfectly to brighten these clouds - also to the NW. Too bad the utility wires were in the way.

Before I continued driving home NW on the I-5, I stopped at this new quilt shop in Lake Forest, it just opened last weekend in the same location Material Possessions was located for about a dozen years. Their shelves were not full, but they had unpacked a large shipment of fabric and had the bolts set upright, waiting for the price label. Two of the clerks were cutting some lovely fat quarters. Classes will start in January. Looks like they are carrying the same high quality fabric that Material Possession carried. It has been so convenient in the last decade to just slip off the freeway coming or going to San Diego, I'm glad a new shop has opened. They give a discount if you show your guild membership card. I was proud to show my lovely color printed card from SurfsideQGuild - the cards were just passed out at the November meeting last Tuesday, so it was the first time I have shown it. Their website is still under construction but will soon appear at
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