The six remaining quilts that I took pictures of, plus one photographed by Judy Warren-Tippets. I was only at the show for five hours and one hour I spent eating lunch! There were others I might have photographed, but I was more intent on seeing all that I could. I didn't do the vendors, but one booth next to the outside aisle had some interesting looking fabric and fat quarters for $2. I looked at a cut piece that I thought Ruth might like, but was thinking about it and looked another few steps away. When I turned back it was gone! I looked to see who was holding it and found the lady near the cash register. I asked her if she really needed a yard and three quarters. She was a bit taken back, but said she really just needed a yard. Good, I said, I'll buy the other 3/4 from you. Never hurts to ask, eh? So, I did go home with some fabric.
Nice color, lovely quilting.
I took these pictures because of the very effective rushing water. A number of people do water frequently, but most are sort of clunky. Notice in the details that Lyra has sometimes just used one line of stitching running out from the "pack". Makes it quite realistic in my eye.
She means P A R R OT!
Love the color, very "parrot-y".
Occidental, CA, is near Sebastopol.
Awesome. Wonder where she found the picture.
Here is the other Cynthia England quilt. The first one I showed was in the Oct 17th section. This is more like her work that I have seen before. Love them both.
Thought this image would show up the detailed piecing, but I can't sharpen it any more.
Wonderful back. Don't know what kind of fish they are supposed to be. I do love interesting backs and sometimes hang a quilt backward on my wall just to enjoy that view for a while.
This picture was taken and sent to me by my friend Judy Warren-Tippets of San Diego.
Citrus Heights is located near Sacramento, CA.
After almost forty years of buying opportunity quilt tickets I have pretty much just given up. But this one tempted me - it is so clever with each monthly quilt removable to show alone on your wall. I hope I win!
Not sure about the fabric selection for Santa's face - does he have measles?
I was happy that the ArtStream quilts were on a wall rather then in one of these "black holes". The small quilts don't show very well in here. Besides, we needed eight spaces.
Here are some sites with other pictures and info on PIQF 2018:
Bernina 1st Runner Up Award:
Another view:
Lots of detail shots of the Best of Show
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