Showing posts with label Crane Johnson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Crane Johnson. Show all posts

Friday, September 2, 2011

APWQ QShow 09-02-11

I looked at my blog pictures on Mary's large screen (as opposed to my laptop screen) and think I need to improve my editing technique!  I have adjusted many of them too light and some too small.  I'll work at improving.  If you have comments, please let me know.

I like Erika's concept here and greatly admire her handwork skills.  Look at the perfect hand quilting on the detail of the :J".  If you click on the picture you can also appreciate the wonder of her hand embroidery.

The white marks on the labels are caused by the overhead lights reflecting on the plastic that covered them.  I have removed what I could - hope they are all readable.

I don't understand the "almost traditional" on the label, they all look pretty traditional to me, but original blocks in the Baltimore Album style are always very special since they represent a personal effort by the quiltmaker.  I like the combination of different backgrounds.

What a great quilt created from a photograph on fabric.  All the detail stands out and the quilting makes it all work.  I know it isn't to everyone's taste - some think that quilting a photograph is "cheating" - but it appeals to my sense of detail.  And it is quilted nicely. 

A beautifully done portrait of a dear pet.  Nice thread painting and machine quilting.

Here is another 'critter' with great thread painting and machine quilting.  I am not familiar with "brackled" and don't find it quickly in the online dictionary - anyone?

And another bear!  I think there may have been a third that I didn't photograph.  The quilt is the rectangular center and the uneven outer edge is like a flange on a pillow.  Carrying the bear and the foliage outside the center quilt is very effective.
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