Showing posts with label Claire Fenton. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Claire Fenton. Show all posts

Friday, April 15, 2011

More April Program for Surfside QGuild 04-15-11

 This is pretty much an arbitrary selection of small quilts from the Collection.  I tried to select pieces that illustrate various techniques and styles.  I believe I have talked about all of these in my Blog on various Sundays - check for the artist's name in the sidebar for more information.

Top row:  Calla Lilly - Aileyn Renli Ecob 2009, Liberty - Kathleen McCabe 2009, Amidst the Fire - K.Grace Howes 2009,  4 fiber artist trading cards, Pomegranate #2 - Dijanne Cevaal 2006, Blue Butterfly - Bonnie Sabel 2009.
Middle row: I Know a Rhino - Ami Simms 2006, (below) Red Nest - Claire Fenton 2006, Tillamook Rooster - Terry Grant 2009, Oregon Junco - Terry Grant  2007, Fantasy Flowers 1 - Julia Zgliniec 2010.  

Top row: Boundary Waters #30 - Virginia Spiegel 2007, Checks & Bars Jumble - Sue Benner 2009, House - Sally Sellers 2007, Night Fire -  Elizabeth Barton 2007,
Bottom row: Vest Pocket Tour II - Joan Schulze 2001, Gentle Reminder - Linda Colsh 2008, Don't Piss Off the Fairies - Ruth Powers 2008, Happy Birthday, Del - Judy House  2003.

You might notice that all of these small quilts have been created since 2001.  Prior to that, artists did not make many small quilts and, to be honest, I wasn't interested in such small pieces.  Realistically, selling nine 12x12 quilts at $100/each is much easier than selling one 36" square quilt at $5000.  I would like to support as many quilters as I can, so I started buying smaller quilts that fit within my selection parameters. .     

This is the folding design board that Mabel Huseby created for me and I have enjoyed it and use it whenever I can.  It was an "ha-ah" moment when I discovered that the small quilts could be pinned up before I left the house and the board simply unfolded at a meeting to display the quilts.  I also pin up a short description of each piece.
The two slats slip out and then fit in the horizontal sleeves to hold the board rigid.  

Here is the board folded with the handle and the closing tabs on the left, fastened with Velcro over the edge.  If you are interested in the pattern for this Portable Design Board you can contact Mabel at 

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Claire Fenton quilt from TCQC 07-06-09

"Nesting #2-a" Claire Waguespack Fenton 2007
Fabric Postcard - 6"W x 4"L
When I started doing the "Sunday's Quilt" on 10-12-08 one of Claire's small quilts was the first up. It wasn't as small as this one, however in 2007 fiber cards were the hot projects everyone was pursuing and I started a collection of them, originally in support of Virginia Speigel's FFAC project. And I still add pieces now and then. In 2008 I had this to say about Claire.

"I am very attracted to Claire's work, especially those she calls nests. Her artist statement includes the comment: "the nest, the ultimate habitat, symbolic of safety and security: a snug refuge.” So, you see, she has an elegant way of defining her ideas. Claire has lived all of her life in the southern part of Louisiana and after Katrina she increasingly incorporated the hurricane and its aftermath in her designs. Ike went over her area" ... in September 2008 doing further devastation to many places effected by Katrina. It takes resilient people to live in the southeast of the USA.

She also does photography, mixed media and sculpture.
Check her website: www/

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Tuesday, October 14, 2008

All okay and Grebes 10-13-08

Claire Fenton, who made the little quilt in yesterday's post, is okay and home again. She had tree damage and ,of course, power outage. She was evacuated for a week by Gustav and says that Ivan got entirely too close for comfort, flooding areas south of her. And Corky is doing okay, but he will have to take the antibiotics until this coming Thursday.
When Corky and I walked near his house last Friday I noticed that the Pied-billed grebes have returned for their winter stay. These are some of the smallest grebes, only about a foot from beak to tail. Notice the wonderful circular ripples around them.

A male and female checking each other out.

This is the male swimming a circle around his 'intended'.

Later when we were walking back toward the house I saw them again and the male was displaying for the female, who seems completely bored. It is about a half an hour later and the angle is different than the first two pictures, thus the grey water.

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Sunday, October 12, 2008

Quilts from TCQC 10-12-08

I am designating Sunday as the day I will post a quilt from the Thomas Contemporary Quilt Collection.
"Red Nest" Claire Waguespack Fenton 2006 11"W x 9"L

I am very attracted to Claire's work, especially those she calls nests. Her artist statement includes the comment: "the nest, the ultimate habitat, symbolic of safety and security: a snug refuge.” So, you see, she has an elegant way of defining her ideas. Claire has lived all of her life in the southern part of Louisiana and after Katrina she increasingly incorporated the hurricane and its aftermath in her designs. Ike went over her area and I know that she is okay, but nothing about her home or her artworks. I purchased this piece from Claire in 2006 after checking in on her website to see what she was creating. Visit her website at

After the Collection started getting large (now 100+) I divided my records into quilts smaller than 24" in either direction and quilts 24" or larger. Somehow it makes it easier for me to find the records and the quilts.

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