Showing posts with label Chocolate Quilts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chocolate Quilts. Show all posts

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Another Chocolate Quilt 10-27-13

On October 19th Visions Art Museum in San Diego held their annual Sip, Savor, Stroll fund raising event.  This time with the addition of Chocolate.  Along with raffle baskets, music, munchies and seeing old friends there were small quilts offered in a silent auction.  This one by Kay Laboda is outstanding, I think.  And very different than any work of hers I have seen.

"Charlie, The Sweet Chocolate Lab"  Kay Laboda - San Diego, CA 2013 16.75"W x 20"L
Charlie's eyes are white, but making the dark dark also darkened the whites of his eyes.

Kay has used fuding with machine edge stitching.

He is wearing a Charlie tag on his collar.

The background is quilted with swirls and hooks.
Great chocolate fabric on the back - although I looked at about a thousand chocolate fabrics I never saw this one.  The chocolates are very reaslistic.

Oops!  Kay forgot to put a contact on her label!  Fortunately, I have it in my e-addresses.  But it isn't always easy to find an artist, if there is a website it should always include contact information.
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Monday, October 21, 2013

A Chocolate Quilt from Judy Warren-Tippets 10-20-13

Visions Art Museum held their annual fundraiser last evening and it was a great time.  There were  silver colored raffle baskets with wine, restaurant gift certificates, sewing supplies, fabric, mugs, coffee, tea, and CHOCOLATE!  Every basket contained chocolate - bars, bonbons, designer, covered nuts, cookies, just about every form you can think of.  Wine and sparkling water were served along with munchies, including some of the best cookies I have ever eaten.  I will pursue the source and obtain a recipe if possible.
Also offered were twenty-four small chocolate themed quilts made by members of the museum.  The artists were disappointed that there was not much bidding.  Although all the quilts were sold they did not bring in the funds we expected.  Was it that the quilts didn't appeal?  Was it a "non-quilt" crowd? (to support a quilt museum?)  The starting prices were around $100 - $150.  I bought four at those low prices - including my own!  I couldn't bear to see it go for peanuts and I know someone who will love to have it.  The one below, made by Judy Warren-Tippets, is ideal for her grandgirl so Judy asked if she could buy it back.  Good idea - the quilt is connected to memories from her childhood which her little grandgirl will hopefully appreciate as she grows up - and beyond.   I am flattered that Judy feels comfortable in our friendship to ask, and I am happy that the quilt will have a loving home.

"After the Recital"  Judy Warren-Tippets 2013
Pieced, appliqued, fused, embellished.  Machine quilted.

The spoon is from a photo printed on fabric, cut out and fused.

Here is the menu.
This chocolate topping is made with a glossy brown material (maybe vinyl), cut out and glued to the background.  The whipped cream and the cherry are both cut from felt.

Oh, dear, Judy has not been intimidated by my preaching about adequate labels.  No contact for the artist - how could anyone interested in her work locate her?  Not even a town, much less an e-address or snail mail address.  JUDY, Judy, judy, don't let an opportunity for promoting your work pass by.
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Does this mean that Picasa is refusing to show their own logo?  Weird, eh?