Showing posts with label Cactus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cactus. Show all posts

Monday, July 24, 2023

Cactus Blooming 07-24-23

On the next street over these cacti grow in a  tangle of bushes.  In 2021 I was amazed  one day to see them covered with blooms.  It was June 18th.  Last year,2022 I didn't see a single bloom.  This past Saturday, July 22nd, I discovered one flower down near the ground.

(My shadow looks like  cartoon character!)

This one flower is larger than those in 2021. 

Two blooms and a bud in 2021, right at the top of the plant. 

I wonder why the one bloom is so late this year.  I had almost given up checking when we were on our walk.  Because there is more shade on the other side of the street we usually walk there.  And why just one flower this year when there were to many in 2021?  These mysteries keep my mind working.  Trivia, yes, but brain whirls for an answer.  

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Saturday, September 25, 2021

Plants in the neighborhood 09-25-21

When my neighbor planted this it was already quite large.  I asked him about it and he said a friend was redoing his yard and wanted to get rid of it.  It is a gorgeous specimen and has adapted well to the location. 

 It is about two feet wide now. 

And almost as tall.  

When the "petals" first come out they are fringed, but as they expand they develop a more scalloped edge.  I wonder if it will bloom some day. 

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