Showing posts with label Cats. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cats. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Sunday, November 26, 2023

Terese May quilt from the SAQA online 2023 Auction 11-26-23

I won the bid on six quilts at the online SAQA (Studio Art Quilt Associates) auction.  One I gave to a friend who had admired it and who loves cats and  cat  images.  I did not photograph it before I  gave  it to her, so I copied  this from the  SAQA website.  Therese May is an art  quilter of long standing and lives  in the  Bay Area of California.  She started  using  paint on her  quilts before most artists  had thought of it.    Her  work is very individual  and unique in the quilt world.  
"Mental Health Cats"   Therese May -  California  12"X12"
Various fabrics, cotton batting and back.  Painted, Pieced, machine quilted. 

Therese's  Artist's Statement: "I truly believe that if we all could just pay attention to our mental health, there could be peace on earth."

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Saturday, March 31, 2018

Friday Feet 03-30-18 (on Saturday!)

Kitten on a glass table. 
I have another view like this of a white cat, I'll try to find it in my pictures.
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Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Another quilt from 2005 PIQF 10-29-15

These pictures were taken with my former camera which was not as good as my current Canon.  Plus, ten years later I am a better photographer.
This quilt stands out in my memory because of the cat in the detail shot.  My first reaction was a cat swimming, but I don't think the quiltmaker had that intent.  I am intrigued by the many different cat images she has combined with other creatures and the idea that she had her own personal reason for this combination.  Obviously she controlled the color and the theme of cats, but who but she could have combined them in just this way.  A memorable work of art. 

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Monday, June 9, 2014

Monday Browsing 06-09-14

Trouble making small talk?  Here are some ideas.....

I find this of particular interest because triclosan takes my skin off!  My hands turn red and then begin to peel – very uncomfortable and also ugly.  In a public restroom I rinse my hands with tap water, dry them and then apply anti-bacterial gel.  I don’t know if that has any adverse effects, but at least my hands feel cleaner.  When I travel I carry a container of liquid Palmolive in my purse.

Some very different embroidery:

Not a cat lover?  How about a cat tolerater?

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Free stuff and a cat 03-13-12

I've always been fond of cats and have been owned by a few.  But Corky wouldn't accept any competition, I'm sure, and I travel too much.  I keep a file of cat pictures that I visit every now and then.  Here is a cat I drew on Scribbler - just to see if I could!
Here is a message of interest from the newsletter of Lura Schwarz Smith
In honor of International Quilt Day (March 17, 2012), The Quilt Show (, the web TV show hosted by Alex Anderson and Ricky Tims, will "open" all of its shows from the first nine series--that is, from show 100 through show 913--for the entire weekend of March 16 - 18. This means that for three days everyone will have the chance to view these 117 shows, featuring some of the quilting world's leading artists, for FREE.
As you may already know, Kerby and I appeared as the featured artists on TQS in show 702. If you didn't have the opportunity to see this show first time around, now you'll have the chance to see it and many other terrific shows at no cost in this unprecedented three-day offer. I hope that you'll share this information with all of your quilting friends. It's a great opportunity to enjoy three days of learning and fun without leaving your home... all for free. Enjoy the shows, and thanks for helping to spread the word!
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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

I've been evaluated! 03-01-11

The evaluation took an hour and the therapist pointed out that I sit wrong, I walk wrong, I stand up wrong, I get off the table wrong, I am doing the exercises from the previous therapist wrong.  I suppose it is no wonder that I am in pain since I have been doing all those things, and more, incorrectly for seventy years.  (I figure the first two years of my life I was just learning how to do all these things the wrong way).  I do have an appointment for the pool on Friday morning.  With a different therapist.  But I will have to see the same lady in the future.  I think she has given me an Attitude, so I don't know how this is going to work.  I don't have a swimsuit yet, but the person who made the pool appointment said I could wear shorts and a top, so I will do that on Friday.  Then I will see.  

Here is a great video sent to me by friend Patty.  I've met a few cats like this, but "Clepto Cat" takes the cake.  (I know it should be Klepto, but that doesn't work with Cat!)

This website has photos of quilts from MAQF 2011 - including the one that has caused the great uproar for being obscene.  You can make up your own mind.

I have one postcard request without a snail mail address or an e-mail address.  Try again!

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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Miscellaneous 01-24-11

When I cannot sleep I try to do something repetitious to make me drowsy.  As much as I love "Cats in Sinks" it can be boring at times, but the cats are cute.
Here are a couple new feel good cat stories I found earlier today:

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Thursday, December 16, 2010

Book Group Christmas 12-16-10

Clockwise: Marlita, Carol, Nancy, Verna, Del, Teresa, Kathy (Ann was out-of-town)
At the December meeting every year the Book Group (to which I have belonged since 1977) has a Christmas celebration. Carol has hosted for several years and the menu that has worked for us is appetizers, salad, soup, bread, wine and dessert. Carol supplied two different soups and each other member brought a contribution. I took the wine - since I don't remember how to cook these days.

Carol opening gifts - and a peek at her beautiful Christmas tree. We exchange gifts - not very expensive - and some put more into it than others. Nancy made everyone a fabric purse, Teresa and Verna canned pickles during the summer and gave us each a jar, for the last five or so years I have given everyone a Borders gift card - we can all use a good book, right? There were notepads, a bag of soup mix, tea bags, a pin in the shape of a house, a tea bag holder (or it could be a ring holder!), a bag of snack mix, a shopping bag that folds/rolls up very small to fit in a purse, and, of course, a bookmark! Marlita wrapped each gift in a Santa hat - so everyone has a hat now!

We had another guest who declined to be photographed with the group. This is Sammy, one of Carol's two cats; Max stayed hidden for the evening.

It was fun to get together with these long time friends - I have missed two meetings in a row and I have missed seeing them.

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Sunday, August 29, 2010

A feel good tale and sad news. 08-29-10

Animals are special to many of us - maybe even MOST of us. And some animals seem to have gifts that go beyond just bonding with their owners. Here is a tale about one of them.

Do you remember Max, the cat who pulled pins from his owner's pincushion - very carefully?

While I was having my computer problems I didn't read many blogs, but have tried to catch up a bit and discovered that Max was killed by a car one day. Here is Susan's post about that event:

I was very fond of Max, still am! Some animals, like some people stay with you as long as you live. Max will be well remembered - even though we only met in cyberspace.
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Monday, July 12, 2010

Pictures I Save. 07-12-10

Pictures on my computer are one of my treasures. I think back to my childhood when my sister and I visited our grandparents in Los Angeles (near Eagle Rock) and would take film to the corner drugstore to be developed. We didn't have much money, so we were careful to take only 'important' pictures. Of course, they were black/white and never quite measured up to what we expected. I have no idea what happened to most of them. I moved away from Portland, OR, just out of high school and took with me only what would fit in a suitcase, a train case and a hat box (yes, hats were important then). I suppose my sister has boxes of photos - she is worse than I am about keeping things forever.
Now I have thousands of pictures on Picasa storage and rarely go in to delete anything. Just like photos stored in boxes some have labels and some do not. One always thinks the names and places and dates will be there in our memory, but they fade away quickly as the years pass. Here are four pictures that I love to look at.

I have no idea where this was taken, I expect in the 'north woods', but it is a tribute to a woodcutter/stacker with a lovely imagination.

Of all the cat pictures that come across my computer threshold this is my favorite one. With the possible exception of "Max and the Pincushion" which is a video.

These little birdies may be Photoshopped, but I love them anyway.

This one always makes me smile. I took it near the Utah/Wyoming border while on a road trip in 2005. It is the "Vampire Truck"! I have seen other trucks decorated in this way since this one, guess the truckers are identifying with the vampire hype along with the teenagers.
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Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Miscellaneous stuff 09-21-09

I have set my postcard making aside to work on the Surfside Quilters Guild newsletter. What a great bunch of ladies - this is a fantastic guild with lots of enthusiasm and interesting members.

I collect things "stuff" to put on my blog or send out as "E-lint" to a list of people who have somewhat my same sense of humor and/or are curious about many things in this world of ours. This blog post is just "stuff".
First is this great video of Susan Brubaker Knapp's cat Max:
Susan's blog is at...
[you can hear her warn Max to not swallow any pins - no cats were harmed doing this video!]

Here is a quilt that is on EBay right now. No bids, so far. It just isn't the right place to sell such an item. If you know any Red Sox fans pass the URL to them!

Did you send a "bundle" to IBOL (Iraq Bundles Of Love) It was a campaign to send sewing supplies and fabrics to women in Iraq where such things are few and far between. The project was organized by Karen La Flamme's husband (once known as Mr. Incredible, but now answers to IBOL Guy) who is stationed in Tikrit. He did not think it would turn into 3000 bundles (or maybe more), but you know quilters (and knitters) - always generous and helpful. No bundles are to be sent now - the IBOL Guy is into distribution, which is a huge project in its self. But it is interesting to keep up with the project. Check the website:
And, finally, here are a couple of amazing videos demonstrating what we do not see, even though we are looking. I love this!   [corrected URL 03-11-12]

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Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Cat Tale 09-15-09

(this picture is right side up!!)
This is Stanley Mahoney when he lived in Cheyenne, WY, in August 2004 - he is part Maine Coon cat and (I think) part monkey. He was up on top of the kitchen cabinets, staring down at me. He now lives in Tustin, CA. What a guy!
And he is the lead in to this wonderful cat cartoon: