Showing posts with label Cathie Hoover. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cathie Hoover. Show all posts

Saturday, October 15, 2011

PIQF 2011 10-14-11

Continuing with photos taken at PIQF on Thursday.  We did not go to Santa Clara today, but instead visited Back Porch Fabrics in Pacific Grove and had lunch at The Red House.  Both were wonderful, as always!
Click on images for enlargements.

Gorgeous trees on an equally gorgeous background.   Lovely color and excellent work on the fir trees.  The branches are done with FMQ on net (and presumably Solvy or some such material). 
As you can see, they are very three dimensional.
Along the bottom edge they are also very thick.  Great effect.

Simple machine applique with straight stitching very close to the edge of each piece gives hard edges to the trees in this work.  I am somewhat bothered by the trees lean to the center, but it is a peaceful quilt.

Odd place to put a fat T-pin - right in the middle of the quilt name.  Who hangs these quilts anyway?
This is a delightful "modern" quilt with nice color - but I would call it pastel, not bright.

I was not familiar with the work of Holly Casey until I saw a raffle quilt from the King City quilt guild on display at PIQF yesterday.  But many of my friends up here know her gift with a long-arm machine and take her their quilts to be quilted.  The raffle quilt struck me especially because the quilting has something to do with the design of the quilt instead of being a completely different "layer".  Then I saw that Holly has other quilts at the show and I looked for them in particular.

This is another good example of the quilt design and the machine quilting design relating to each other.  This quilt shows uniquely New Zealand motifs and..... does the quilting.  Lovely.

This crazy quilt by Cathy Hoover won first place for Embellishment.  Like the crazy quilt made in the late 19th Century it includes ribbons, buttons, and charms, along with other trims and the great Koi border.

An amazing tour de force in support of the people of Japan whose lives were changed forever in the earthquake and tsunami. 

The white diagonal chain is to keep footprints off the bottom edge of the quilt.  It is very large.
I had a few more quilts here, but Blogger declined to post them.  I am going back to Santa Clara tomorrow, so there will be many more pictures - at least through next Saturday.

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