This drive home is intended to just get me there! I am not sightseeing or visiting people and had hoped to make better time and cut a day off the trip. But between the electronic gremlins that have plagued me and today's stormy weather I think it will be the 8th before I drive into my garage. From the picture you can tell that the day started out gloomy, got better, got worse and then even worse. On the electronic side, I sent off the SQG newsletter to the proofreaders last night and heard from one of them this morning that there was no newsletter attached when they received it. I was already on the road and it took until Santa Fe, NM, to find a Starbuck's with connections, so I could attempt to resend. The process is all different than it was last month, but I finally figured out a way to send it successfully. Now I will need to do it again to send it to the lady who posts things online to our website. Hope I can figure it out a second time. Who knows what will happen next month?

Leaving HIE at Limon, CO, at 8am it was a solid grey sky.
I drove south on Hwy 24 which is mostly one lane in each direction. It has changed a lot since I last drove this road - better road, more buildings and as I got closer to Colorado Springs there are subdivisions. I didn't see any antelope this trip. But somewhere along the way there was a yellow sign with a picture of a bear to warn drivers there might be bear on the roadway.
Then, as I neared Colorado Springs the sun came out and brightened the gazillion sunflowers, some of which can be seen in this image.
In the far distance is the front range of the Rocky Mountains. I never see this view without thinking of those hardy pioneers who walked for months across the prairie only to be confronted with this wall of mountains.
A bit closer to the mountains.
To the east the sky is clear and the pinyon pines are spread over the hillsides. These are the wild version of the pine nuts we buy for baking and eating. They have the cutest little fat cones. I gathered them one year and tied them with gold bows on our Xmas tree.
There are some lovely valleys with ranch houses, trees and lots of beef cattle. I also saw a pasture of llamas and alpacas.
Oh, Oh, the clouds are starting to gather. Notice the wind generators, three together which were turning, and one motionless to the left. All the pictures make them look grey, but in reality they are all a brilliant white from ground to tips of the arms.
Across the road from the wind generators is this sculpture - just out in the middle of nowhere. I thought at first it was a deteriorating bill board, but it is actually a piece of art.
Here are the three generators, turning in lazy circles like they were dancing together. Some solitary peaks in the distance - so typical of this area.
To the west the clouds gather and a few lightning strikes lace through them.
Ahead the clouds grow as the miles fly by - speed limit is 75mph.
Into the center of the dark clouds.
I stopped for gas in Las Vegas, New Mexico, MUCH smaller and different than the more familiar Las Vegas, Nevada. While the gas was pumping the rain started.
And it came down in huge drops, very hard.
The day got darker and the rain continued.
Naturally, construction was part of the mix.
When I stopped at Starbuck's in Santa Fe there were quite a few people there. Including this cowboy working his cell phone and drinking coffee. I guess everyone goes to Starbuck's if there is one in town.
This stone work on the outside of the building looks like a brilliant quilt to me.
Clouds are gathering on the east.
More rain periodically. Lots of lightning strikes.
As I came into Albuquerque, New Mexico, the storm increased to the point that everyone was going very slowly, bumper to bumper. I couldn't see the lines on the roadway, nor sometimes the car in front of me. I thought "Del, why are you driving in this? It is 5:30, find a room and settle for the night."
Here is the sunset from my HIE room. The sky looks more clear, but there are periodic sprinkles.
And a telephoto shot enhances the color.
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