Showing posts with label 9/11. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 9/11. Show all posts

Saturday, September 11, 2021

Bad Memories of 9/11/01

This little 14X14 quilt is "New Growth" which I made for Karey Bresenhan's project after 9/11.  It is in her book showing all the quilts made for the project.   My thought was that out of the ashes would come a new strength among all Americans and a surge of patriotism and cooperation.  Guess I am not a psychic, huh?  The towers are pieced and everything else was fused.  It was a hard piece to work on - I kept thinking of all the children who would never again see their parent.  My father died of kidney failure in 1942 when I was four.  Although there were pictures of him my only actual memory is of him sitting with me on my grandparents porch and teaching me how to tie my shoes.  It is hard to grow up without both parents.  

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Friday, September 11, 2020

Remembering 09-11-20

"New Growth"  Del Thomas  2001  14" X 14"
In the book "America From the Heart: Quilters Remember September 11, 2001"

Artist's statement:  "From the terrifying events of September 11, 2001, comes a new belief in our country and the growth of mutual support and understanding.  We must set aside hate and work together for our freedom."

And we need to do that today in our divided society. 
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Wednesday, November 5, 2008

"New Growth" 11-04-08

"New Growth" 2001 Del Thomas 14" x 14
This is the little quilt I made for the "America From the Heart" exhibit. It was all I was capable of during that horrible week. Even at that time I believed that the USA would grow out of the disaster. Now, seven long, dreary years later, I feel it finally has started. President-elect Obama's speech was healing and heartening. I hope the cry of "Yes we can." will echo everywhere in America and around the world.
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Friday, September 12, 2008

Enchanted w/the moon 09-11-08

It is cooler at night now and the Sycamore leaves are turning brown, seems like autumn is on its way. There were very white broken clouds at 8pm when I left the BCQG meeting in San Juan Capistrano. The moon is waxing gibbous and the moonlight lit up the clouds to make them even whiter. Impossible to take a picture without some glow from the parking lot lights - the green hazy at bottom right. I'd love to have a nice Canon digital w/changeable lens, but I have too many house expenses right now. Maybe in January.
9/11 brings memories to everyone. I couldn't watch much of it on TV, it was too disturbing - I think if I never see another picture of the planes going into the towers I would be happy. The thing I remember most is that the Poodle Parents were on a business trip and were supposed to return on Tuesday evening. Of course, they couldn't fly and couldn't find a car to rent, so they didn't return until Saturday. Meanwhile Corky continued to stayed with me, but I had a responsibility at the BCQG meeting on Thursday night, so I just took him with me! He was so good, he sat on a chair next to me or in his soft bed on the floor. I think it cheered everyone up a bit to have this happy fuzzy white poodle at the meeting. I've taken him three times since then and he is always a good dog. Admittedly, it isn't his favorite thing to do, but he tolerates it.
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