When KoKo went out for his afternoon piddle I saw all these barrel shaped things in the park. They moved a little so I think they must be filled with air. Then along came a hoard of boys (maybe aged 9 to 12) running from the other end of the park carrying pretend long guns. They divided up and took up positions behind the "barrels". Then their adult "director" blew his whistle and the boys moved toward each other, shielding behind the "barrels" and firing away. They must be using those foam rubber bullets that I see laying around in yards and on the sidewalk, especially after a holiday, as they went around picking them up after the battle was over. I don't know how they keep score, I didn't see anyone fall and play dead. They attacked each other three times before the "director" called them off to drink some water and they trooped back the way they came.
Saturday, June 24, 2023
A war in the park!! 06-24-23
Monday, January 23, 2023
Miscellaneous stuff 01-23-23
Friday, August 26, 2022
Beach Views 08-26-22
They have set up their umbrellas and even small tents, coolers, picnic baskets, and beach chairs. The bird in the sky is a brown pelican. |
Wednesday, June 30, 2021
Sewing 06-30-21
I was on a roll with the background ready to go and decided to add a tree. Also decided to keep going to finish a piece for the SAQA auction. The deadline was today! So, I added the tree, quilted that, put in some birds, zigzagged the edge, put on a label and two rings for hanging. Finally shipped it late yesterday via FedEx. I hope someone likes it and buys it on October at the online auction.
I don't know how to make pictures the correct color. The pink here is rather washed out while in actuality it is mostly very bright pink.
Wednesday, February 17, 2021
There is always something blooming in SCalifornia, mostly imports from foreign lands. This month there are bright pink trees popping out in the sunshine. They are spectacular against the blue sky. This one is next to a Starbuck's drive thru in Orange, CA.
Pink Tabebuia Trumpet Tree Tabebuia Heterophylla
Deciduous, grows 20 - 30 feet tall. Originates in the Philippines.
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Saturday, January 30, 2021
Shadows 01-30-21
Of course, KoKo and I also cast a shadow. Not nearly as interesting as a tree, though!
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