These pictures were taken January 6, 2010, and the lemon trees were heavy with fruit.

These bright yellow orbs hung over the wall on the south side of my neighbor's house. Easy to reach from the front yard.
These bright yellow orbs hung over the wall on the south side of my neighbor's house. Easy to reach from the front yard.
And this view is just around the corner of the wall. An abundance of sweet Meyer lemons which the neighbor shared with me. This year there is not a lemon in sight! I wonder if he has watered his tree during this terrible dry year - the driest ever recorded in Los Angeles County. So, it follows that it was also the driest in Orange County history. I'll miss the lemons as Meyers are not often seen in markets here and when they are they are very pricey. Guess it will be a year without lemon bars, lemon curd and fresh lemonade.