Just one picture, but I may have overloaded Mary's satellite connection. Darn!
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Double Wedding Ring variation 03-20-10
Friday, March 19, 2010
No pictures! 03-19-10
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Sylvia Einstein class - Asilomar 03-18-10
I didn't take a picture of my project pinned up on my design board. All the pieces are cut and arranged. I'll fold up my very elegant custom board (made by my friend Mable Huseby in Mt. Vernon, WA.) and sew the blocks together after I get home.
Not all the projects are bright and outrageous. This lovely piece is by Jane Best. She has all the blocks done and is appliqueing the two large geisha ladies on top of one ring. They look so natural there - how could this quilt be any other way? Beautiful.
Nancy Cardelo brought the soft batik background fabric from home. It carries the color and softens the large arcs.
Lorette Newman has used small black-on-white prints in the background. They create a soft, varied grey ground. But when one gets up close.....
... the different motifs became visible creating interesting textures.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Sylvia Einstein class - Asilomar - 03-17-10
This picture is of the back of Pirate's Den where my sleeping room is located. There is a white-crowned sparrow in the middle of the pine tree. With the telephoto up to 16X on my new Canon camera.....
I could take this picture of the little guy. Pretty amazing!
This is my project as it stands tonight. I am not happy with all the pieces and will do some more swapping around and replacing tomorrow. I am upholding my reputation as the slowest person in the class!
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Sylvia Einstein class - Asilomar 03-16-10
Donna Moog has also completed this 'bubbly' quilt top and is starting another even more wild!
She has a marvelous collection of outlandish fabrics.
Jan Grace has also completed her elegant work.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Sylvia Einstein class - Asilomar 03-15-10
Cora Stewart's project. She calls these "Australian colors". I like it a lot.
Dottie Daybell's project. Dottie and I have taken many classes in common over the years. I always admire her use of 2nd hand fabrics which she purchases at Salvation Army, Goodwill, etc. Most of these are from yukata or summer kimonos - she told me that Oceanside is a good hunting place for these when troops return from Asia.
Carole Pirruccello's project. This wild collection of fabrics is more representative of what is being used in class.
Karmen Streng's project. I've been in a few of the same classes as Karmen. She always produces classic color and style.
Justin Lott's project. This is a knockout - how original to shade the value from light at the top to dark at the bottom.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Asilomar - 03-14-10
"Hibiscus" Gail Sheirbon Thanks to Debbie Van Fossen for the picture of Gail with her project. Gail also wrote and said that she has been sewing the sections together, so it may be done soon.
My class this week has 17 students and is located in Hearthside (in the back of Merrill Hall). I have the same sleeping room in Pirates Den and my teacher Sylvia Einstein is just down the hall. Tomorrow the class will start cutting fabric using plastic templates for 10" blocks - we need sixteen blocks. Which doesn't seem like much, but when each piece of fabric is cut individually it will take some time to just do the cutting. When everything is cut, pinned up on the design boards and we are happy with the fabric combinations we can begin sewing. Wish me luck!