The view to the north shows the mountains solidly covered with snow floating on clouds that block part of the view. When I went up the hill there were no clouds - just white mountains agains a very blue sky, but by the time I came back in an hour the clouds had gathered and so had the lookers and photographers. This image was resized from 4000 X 3000 pixels to 400 X 300 pixels.
I see this fellow with his high end camera equipment whenever there is a very clear day. I wonder if he is up there every morning - I'm not! I did not resize this image, so it is 4000 X 3000. I suppose it transmits very slowly. Fortunately I have found the camera box with all the papers and instructions - it was sitting on top of the TV. Considering how seldom I watch TV I may not have found it for months, but I was checking on the TV weather forecast and 'clang' my brain registered what my eyes were not seeing. So, now I have adjusted the camera to take images at a lower compression, which is what I need for e-mailing and the SQG newsletter.
I am in LBeach with Corky this evening - his parents should be home soon and I will drive home and sew for a couple hours. Unless I go to sleep at the sewing machine. 8>))))