Wednesday, March 5, 2025


Here are some views of "our" park where we walk almost every morning.  The "elephant" sculpture is in the middle of the image.  Our house is on the left edge about in the middle, beyond the chain link fence and the flood control channel.  You can see the cider block wall on the right along the east side of the park. 
Still lots of California Sycamore leaves left for the wind to blow around.

Looking the other way (south) toward the only entrance/exit.  This is the zip line  which has two lines, each with a round "seat" hanging from the rail.  I can't  pick the  seats out in this picture, some day I'll take a photo of someone zipping.
We did most of our steps this morning due to the threat of rain and we did have a few sprinkles.   But the rain started seriously about 2pm while I was  driving to see  the orthopedist and it has continued the rest of the day and into the night.  So, no walking for KoKo this evening, but I did the cul de sacs alone  to fill out the two miles.    Rain predicted for tomorrow, so we may not be able to walk at all.

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Tuesday, March 4, 2025

From TCQC 03-04-25

 Guess I am not going to be able to post as regularly as I once did.  Of course, my life is a lot less busy and, therefore, a lot less interesting - even to me!  This post is a make up for the one I didn't post on Sunday and shows some quilts from the past. 

Red Wave 1 - 4   Diane Firth - Australia  2005  44"L X57"W

Cotton Fabric, Machine Pieced and Quilted.


"Into the Deep"  Diane Firth - Australia  2024   12"X 12"
Black netting on front, cotton layer, white netting on back. 
You can see the light shining through between the cotton strips.  

Diane Firth does some experimental work using unusual materials. I enjoy all of her work and added these two to the Collection years apart.  I have been tempted by many of her creations, but, alas, money and storage space have prevented many more  additions to TCQC.  

I wanted to add a website for Diane, but there are several with good pictures of her pieces and even an museum docent giving comments on a particular piece. Google "Diane Firth, textile artist" to find the websites.

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Saturday, March 1, 2025

Food - Again! 03-01-25


I am still trying to gain some energy, so we are back to walking twice a day, today we managed 6541 steps (2.79 miles).  But I don't seem to do much of interest.   That is why I am posting my current favorite meal.

I have become addicted to this salad and have posted it previously.  It is lunch or dinner several times a week.  Starting  with two scoops of lactose free cottage cheese, I add an assortment of fruit.   Usually I cut up a small apple, half a large  banana, part of an orange or a mandarin, some blueberries and a handful of chopped toasted pecans.   I might add half an avocado, some chopped celery, a pear, a peach, or any fruit that is available. I stir in some Brianna's poppy seed dressing and maybe a sprinkle of toasted sesame seeds.  
It is so delicious and, I guess, healthy.  

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Friday, February 28, 2025

Friday Food 02-28-25


When Kathy hosted our Book Group in October she presented our dessert in this special way..
She got out all of her fancy stemware, made several different pudding like desserts, divided them into the goblets, and sprinkled to tops with "sprinkles". We could choose several different treats or find two that we favored. FUN!

For decades we met in the evening, but now that everyone has retired we meet in the middle of the day and we each bring our own lunch.  The hostess, as always,  serves a dessert.  

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Wednesday, February 26, 2025

February almost gone! 02-26-25

Rhaphiolepis (Indian Hawthorn)

 I have essentially lost 22 days of this month!   The RSV has stolen it, leaving me with just a few days to try to catch up.  I need to have some lab tests, an X-ray, and a haircut!  Usually do that early in the month, I am feeling pretty shaggy.  

Thanks to Dottie, I have Amazoned two possible solutions to my cane problem.   One is a sort of large tie-tie that twists around the cane and forms a hook. The other is the "glue" Sugru that can be shaped and glues to many different kinds of surfaces.  Interestingly the name comes from the Irish for "play".   I'm sure this is the product I  remember reading about several years ago, but I didn't think to look for a glue.  I was thinking and searching for plastic clay.   I never know how to word a search.

Today was 81F here and tomorrow 86F is predicted.  I said awhile back that it looked as if we would not have a winter this year, seems like I guess correctly.  We have had some cold temps, but never down even to 40F at night. Sure hope some rain falls soon.  

Lots of illness going around all over the country.  Wear a mask, wash your hands, avoid crowds.  Be safe. Stay well. 

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Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Waiting for Dave 02-25-25

This is a ritual at our house.   When Dave parks his truck KoKo comes to tell me, but Dave goes across the street to start his deliveries around the two cul-d-sacs and down to Palm (the through street),  then up the east side of the street to our house, the last on the route.  It takes 15 to 20 minutes before he arrives at our door. KoKo usually sits on his box at the window, but sometimes I open the door about the time Dave comes up the walk, so KoKo can be right there.  In this picture you can see Dave's shadow as he comes around the garage.  

Sometimes Dave surprises us and dresses up for a holiday.  
Here he is for Christmas one year.  KoKo wasn't too sure it was really Dave. 

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Monday, February 24, 2025

Fixing things 02-24-25

After 25 Years I still miss my late husband, Floyd, in many ways.  And one big lack is his handiness.   His degrees were in Mechanical Engineering,  but he had a natural curiosity and ability to figure out how to make or fix just about anything.  Based on our years together, I can sometimes come up with a fix for something, but don't have the skill or dexterity to carry it out.  I bought a collapsible cane to always carry in my car, but it doesn't have enough of a hook to hang it on anything.  I need some kind of material to form a lump on the long side of the handle.  I know there must be something on the market that would be formable and permanently stick to the plastic.   Any Ideas?  


I am FINALLY recovering from the RSV virus.  Today we did 5511 steps/2.35 miles walking in the park and around the neighborhood.  I also went to my Fitness appointment and felt energized when I walked out.  Good progress. 

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