Showing posts with label Member Blog Roll. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Member Blog Roll. Show all posts

September 17, 2011

DE Street Team Members Blog Roll - Update.

Written by Marsha Neal Studio
Back in February when I picked up the roll of being Captain of the Delaware Etsy Street Team, I asked any of out team members to share a link to their blog on a post so that we could create a team blog roll.

It is time to do it again…
So if you are a current Delaware Etsy Street Team Member on,
And you have a Blog (not a stagnant website, but an actual blog).
Please add your blog URL to the inlinkz gadget below.

Even if your blog is listed on our blog roll already, please list your blog here again.
This is because after the Inlinkz closes, this post will be saved and can be considered a bit of History of the Delaware Etsy Street Team and who was involved at various times…

And please help promote out Delaware Etsy Street Team Blog by using the above button on your blog and make sure the the link is back here to our team blog main page.
Thank You for being part of the team!

January 25, 2011

Blogroll List for DelEtsy Artists...

Written By: Marsha Neal Studio

Are you an artist in Delaware, selling on Etsy?

Are you a member of the DelEtsy Street Team? Sign Up - it's EASY!!!

And a Google Group: Delaware-Etsy-Street-Team

Then add your blog to this blogroll: