Showing posts with label white horse. Show all posts
Showing posts with label white horse. Show all posts

Monday, March 31, 2014

~ Snow Unicorn ~

~ Snow Unicorn ~

The snow is so deep this spring the Unicorns can hardly keep their head above snow!


It's been so long since I've built a snowman I just couldn't resist the sticky snow late yesterday afternoon. It had been a balmy 56 degrees absolute beautiful early Spring day! A day so beautiful after the record breaking cold we had endured all winter, I wanted to spend a little more time outside before heading indoors for the evening.

I was only 10 steps from entering the front door when I turned to look at the enormous snowbank of wet sticky snow. Taking three steps back I bent over and scooped up a mitten full of snow. "Why not." I thought. "Let's have some fun and see what happens."

With no plans as to what to create, I scooped and patted...scooped and patted. Was it a snowman? No. Scoop and pat...scoop and pat. And then I saw the shape of a horse head. Scoop and pat...scoop and pat.
Shape an ear. Scoop and pat...then another ear.

Now the mittens were heavy and wet making them useless for the finer details. So off they came. Using bare hands to shape the horn, then create nostrils, and shave the snow to refine the shape.
 20 minutes later and some very cold hands this guy appeared on top of the huge snowbank just outside the big dining room window. :0)

It certainly isn't my best sculpting, and wouldn't win a snow sculpture contest
but it was an enjoyable time playing as a child in the snow and made me smile. 

Less than 24 hours later Snow Unicorn is disappearing as Unicorns do.
Warmth and rain is quickly making him only an early spring memory.


~ Wishing you beautiful whimsical memories! ~

Friday, March 28, 2014

~ Pegasus Stallion in Prismacolor ~

Oh my! It has been a VERY long time since I've last posted! But...even though it has been quiet on the 'Chronicles of Whimsy' site, we have not been idle.

During the summer it was decided that DH's blacksmith shop was beyond needing a facelift. So down came the old, and a new shop was designed and is being constructed.

We also took some time during last summer to venture out with art and craft, setting up a booth at three shows to display both ironwork and art. DH and I truly enjoy one on one interaction with customers as we display our newest creations.

I haven't been as productive with my art as in years past, but I have enjoyed creating a few new projects.

~ Pegasus Stallion in Prismacolor ~

"Pegasus Stallion in Prismacolor" is the the latest piece that has come off the drawing table. In ACEO
2 1/2" x 3 1/2" size. this illustration was done with both graphite and colored pencil on Bristol paper.

~ Unicorn Foal in Graphite and Prismacolor ~

"Unicorn Foal" was created a few months back. Not a piece that was in full color, but some was added to bring me back into color creating mode. This illustration was also created in ACEO size.

While working on the line drawing for "Pegasus Stallion in Prismacolor" I began work on 4 other designs. I hope to get back to the table again soon, but to pick which design to complete...hmmmmm.

~ Wishing you a wonderful whimsy day! ~