Showing posts with label snow. Show all posts
Showing posts with label snow. Show all posts

Friday, April 19, 2013


~ Minnesota April 19, 2013 Snowstorm ~
Many of you are probably enjoying warm spring breezes, the joyful sounds of birds singing,
 the sight of green blades of grass and spring flowers, possibly even a chance to
dig in the earth of a garden or two...
for those that live in northern Minnesota, winter has chosen to be stubborn this year.
We should be able to hear the joyful sounds of birds singing, feel some warm spring breezes,
possibly even see a few blades of green grass and a spring flower here and there.
Alas, instead we have had 3 major snowstorms
here in the last 2 1/2 weeks, with snow flurries many of the days in between
and winter cold temperatures to go with.
Yesterday's predicted snowstorm began as a storm with 4-6 inches,
as it got closer it became 8-10 inches,
but it was never predicted as 16-20 inches which is what this area received!
The above image is what I saw as I looked out the bedroom window this morning!
(The blotches on the image are wind splattered snow spots clinging to the window.)
~ Snowstorm at Gardens' Keep April 19, 2013 ~
I grabbed the camera and headed to our front door.
When I opened it, this is what greeted me...17+ inches of fresh snow!
(DH had already made a trail to the firewood pile.)
The Duluth airport has now recorded 115.3 inches of snowfall for this season,
and since our snowfall has been a bit greater than theirs
that means...
we have more than our share of snow for this season!
Winter push up and move on!
It's time for Spring!!!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Christmas Poems and Wishes ~

~ Christmas Star ~

~ Christmas Trees ~

~ The Joy You Give ~
John Greenleaf Whittier

"Somehow, not only for Christmas
But all the long year through,
The joy that you give to others
Is the joy that comes back to you.
And the more you spend in blessing
The poor and lonely and sad,
The more of your heart's possessing
Returns to you glad."


~ Gift of Wonder ~
Alfred McBride

...As children we had a sense of wonder. Our eyes were wide open and drinking in the fascinating gifts we beheld…Our thirsty souls could not have enough of the wonders of creation.

Then somehow, we grew too old to dream. We tired of the abundance of the world, or at least grew weary of keeping up with the feast of life, and stepped away from the banquet of life.

The natural gift of wonder God gave us as children was meant to be kept alive...Instead we let wonder go to sleep. We entered the typical dream state of most humans.

...Stay awake!...Wake up and realize the gifts of love you have received...


~ Some Special Gifts ~
author unknown

~ a firm handshake to a shaky soul,
~ a kind word to a lonely person,
~ a warm smile to the disheartened,
~ a sincere concern for someone troubled,
~ a feeling of compassion for the neglected,
~ a comforting thought for the bereaved,
~ a respect for the dignity of others,
~ a defense of the rights of individuals,
~ a word of witness to help a seeking soul,
~ a Merry Christmas to all


~ Merry Christmas to all, and to all a beautiful New Year! ~

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Early Winter Sunrise

~ Early Winter Sunrise ~

Trees still heavily laden with snow from an early winter storm six days previous paired with a beautiful pink sunrise created a stunning view to begin the day!

~ Wishing you all a very beautiful weekend! ~

Friday, January 29, 2010

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Snow, Snow, and more Snow

Cedar In Snow

Narnia Winter

A Cats' Domain

Knoll of the Ancients

We have been blessed with sunshine and warmer weather these past few days, which has felt so wonderful after the cold, cold days that crept in after one of the largest snowfalls recorded during Christmas here. These images are just a few of our beautiful Christmas snow.

Cedar in Snow ~ Just the beginning of the storm. After the storm the cedar was not to be found, and is now completely buried, not to be seen until Spring or a warm early thaw. I love how the branches of the trees in the backround remind me of a spider's web.

Narnia Winter ~ Fresh, peaceful, and quiet.

A Cats' Domain ~ A walk through this deep snow will now require snowshoes. If you look closely to your left you will see a hummble Bummble watching over his kingdom.

Knoll of the Ancients ~ This very large knoll is quite unusual as it sits alone, no other hills around it, beautifully topped with massive ancient Birches who are slowly coming to the end of their life. In their peak years ago one could walk below them and feel as if you were in one of nature's cathedrals, giant white Birch branches arching solidly over and above you, with beautiful windows of clear blue sky!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Cats and I

Yesterday it snowed.

So today the cats and I took a walk in the woods,
Bumble and Prince,



no not the Cheshire Cat, but really close,
it's Fuzzy,

to look at the beautiful trees,

and visit the grand old Birch. This tree is special to me. I dreamt of it sitting on this hill when I was very young, and saw it for the first time ten years later growing on property we had just purchased.