So today the cats and I took a walk in the woods, Bumble and Prince,
no not the Cheshire Cat, but really close, it's Fuzzy,
to look at the beautiful trees,
and visit the grand old Birch. This tree is special to me. I dreamt of it sitting on this hill when I was very young, and saw it for the first time ten years later growing on property we had just purchased.
Hello and welcome to the Chronicles of Whimsy, a little space dedicated to share with you my love of horses, animals, gardens, art, and things of beauty and whimsy I see around me.
All artwork, photos, and writeups displayed here are copyrighted material of Dale Ann Widen unless otherwise noted and may not be reproduced in any manner on the internet/computer, nor paper or any other material or means of reproduction without the express written and signed permission by the artist Dale Ann Widen, this includes all reproductions and originals. All rights are retained by the artist Dale Ann Widen.