Thursday, November 25, 2010

Vacation time!!

Hello Everyone !

I wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving. Holiday season has just started and I am so ready to take a break …my bags are packed and I am going to India for a vacation…so see you all after a while… have a great holiday season!!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

My Sketchbook

I can’t believe it! We are almost approaching towards the end of November and soon will be saying adieu to 2010.Well to tell you the truth I am not a big fan of this time of the year for the obvious reason. November has approached with its chilly winds, grey skies and the clouds that play hide and seek with the sun almost every other day. Beauty of the colorful leaves is gone with the wind and bare trees adding nothing but dullness to the atmosphere. My patio that has seen the greenery and blooms is now covered with the dry leaves:((

To cheer up myself on one such gloomy day I thought lets do something that will make me feel better, so with a cup of ginger tea in my one hand, I opted to open my sketch book and started doodling something (this is my long time habit I love to doodle and sketch in my free time)…well after a while I was really feeling uplifted and happy.

It was a lesson learned: if you are feeling bored or dull, then do something that you really love doing… trust me it vanishes all your boredom.

I am sharing some pages of my sketch book with you, my blogger friends. I hope you like it…

Have a great weekend everyone!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Easy Craft Ideas

Hello Everyone …today I am sharing with you some simple craftwork that I did with my daughter. My six year old loves paper craft… so we decided to make a cute flower hanging for her room using construction paper…it is super easy and she enjoyed it a lot…just few flower shapes cut and glued to a thread …simply sweet!

For this one we used beads and pompoms... easy and colourful!

This one is made with metal shapes I got from a craft kit if you don’t have them... don’t worry! it can be easily replaced with cardboard…with little paint and glitters it’s looking shiny and beautiful!

Hope you like it...Have a great weekend everyone!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Diwali ki Subhkamnaye

Hello everyone …Wishing you all a very happy and prosperous Diwali. May the festival of lights bring happiness, health and wealth to you and your family.

Today I am sharing with you some pictures of my diwali preparation. Below is the picture of aipans I made this time...

This is a decorative plate I made with some pipe cleaners...

Added some tealights to it...

This is traditional pooja thali ...diyas made with dough... I added some pompoms and circled some silver pipecleaners to make it look sparkly:)

Have a happy weekend and a very Happy Diwali once again.